A Woman's Guide to Preparing Yourself for MarriageНамуна

A Woman's Guide to Preparing Yourself for Marriage

DAY 5 OF 5

Self Care

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Proverbs 17:22

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

The fourth way to prepare yourself for marriage and to be a godly wife is to take care of yourself. Happy, healthy marriages are possible when both people are healthy in mind, body, and spirit. So, take time now to prepare yourself for marriage by focusing on your wellness. Start practicing healthy habits like reading your bible and moving your body daily.

A strong sense of mental and emotional well-being allows you the stability and resilience to handle times of hardship in your relationship with grace. Keeping your body healthy and at its best means having more energy to realign and restore when necessary. Finding a balance with your spiritual life gives you perspective and purpose in difficult and exciting moments. All of these things are important for a healthy, godly marriage.

So, how do you prioritize healthy habits physically, emotionally, and spiritually?

Nourish Your Body as a Temple of God

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 emphasizes the importance of honoring God with our bodies, recognizing them as temples of the Holy Spirit. While in context, this passage is talking about sexual purity, we can also apply it to mean making choices that nourish the body. By taking care of your physical health, you not only honor God but also prepare yourself to be an active, energetic participant in your marriage. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest are key components of a lifestyle that respects the body God has given you.

Cultivate a Cheerful Heart for Emotional Well-Being

Proverbs 17:22 highlights the healing power of a cheerful heart on our physical and emotional health. Cultivating joy and a positive outlook on life contributes significantly to your emotional well-being. This can involve activities that bring you happiness, practicing gratitude, and maintaining a supportive network of friends and family. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and hobbies can also improve your emotional resilience. A cheerful heart not only benefits you but will bring joy and vitality into your marriage when the time comes.

Strengthen Your Spiritual Foundation

Your spiritual health is the bedrock of your overall well-being. Regularly engaging with God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers helps to deepen your faith and provide you with guidance, comfort, and strength. Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. This spiritual discipline keeps your relationship with God vibrant and impacts your interactions within your marriage. Nurturing your spiritual life ensures you have a reservoir of strength and wisdom to draw from in both joyful and challenging times.

Prioritizing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health is essential for entering into and sustaining a healthy, godly marriage. By adopting habits that enhance your well-being in these areas, you prepare yourself to be a partner who contributes positively to a marriage that glorifies God and enriches both you and your husband.

We invite you to join us on Upward if you are a single Christian seeking a meaningful relationship.

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A Woman's Guide to Preparing Yourself for Marriage

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there are things you can do now to prepare yourself for marriage. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing practical tips, spiritual truths, and four ways to prepare yourself to be the best godly wife you can be.
