Sleep Psalms: 14 Nightly Moments of Mindfulness & RestНамуна

Sleep Psalms: 14 Nightly Moments of Mindfulness & Rest

DAY 12 OF 14

Words have power. They can build us up, or they can destroy us. They can fill us with empty flattery, or they can speak truth into our lives. Sometimes it's hard to discern between what we hear and read as being true or false, but the Bible reminds us that God's Word is pure. The promises we have from Him never change. They are a safe haven to cling to for guidance and protection, for stability and assurance.

As you read the following Scripture, let God's heart soak into the recesses of yours. He loves you and cares for you, and He'll watch over you tonight.

Help, LORD, for no faithful one remains;
The loyal have disappeared from the human race.
They lie to one another;
they speak with flattering lips and deceptive hearts.
May the LORD cut off all flattering lips
and the tongue that speaks boastfully.
They say, "Through our tongues we have power;
our lips are our own - who can be our master?"
"Because of the devastation of the needy
and the groaning of the poor,
I will now rise up," says the LORD.
"I will provide safety for the one who longs for it."
The words of the LORD are pure words,
like silver refined in an earthen furnace,
purified seven times.
You, LORD, will guard us;
You will protect us from this generation forever.
The wicked prowl all around,
and what is worthless is exalted by the human race.

ADORATION: As you meditate on God's Word tonight, quiet all the noise in your mind and focus on His voice. Be still and focus on God's faithfulness to you. He has led you through every hard moment or season in life and brought you to the other side. And He will continue to do so. He will never leave you or turn away from you; you can completely trust in Him. He is worthy to be praised.

CONFESSION: Confess any lies you have believed before taking the time to test them against God's promises. Acknowledge any hurtful words you have spoken that have caused others to be discouraged. Ask the Lord to forgive you for any pain you have brought on yourself, as well as onto others. Ask Him to help you believe what He says about you and to think before you speak.

THANKSGIVING: Praise God for the loving words He has spoken over you and the ways they have brought life into your soul. Praise Him for the ways He provides for you, loves you, and is faithful to you. Thank Him for His unchanging Word and the reassurance that can be found there.

SUPPLICATION: Father, thank You for Your Word and how it is a constant help at my disposal. I'm grateful for the wisdom, guidance, and reminders of Your love that are mine as I read Psalms. Remind me to go to Your Word for insight, good judgment, and truth before/ listen to the voices of this world. Help me to use Your words to guard my mouth so that I will speak life and truth into others in order to lift them up and point them to You. In Your Son's name, I pray. Amen.


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About this Plan

Sleep Psalms: 14 Nightly Moments of Mindfulness & Rest

Sleeplessness is a problem for so many in our world today, but peaceful, deep, and restful sleep is possible. Sleep Psalms: Nightly Moments of Mindfulness and Rest will help readers prepare for this restorative sleep, calming their mind and re-centering them on God. Readers will discover deep peace and be reminded that God is in control. He is working for our good even as we sleep.
