Sleep Psalms: 14 Nightly Moments of Mindfulness & RestНамуна

Life gets busy, and it's often hard to find time to rest, step away from the hustle and bustle, and calm your heart. When you struggle to find peace, remember the promises in tonight's verse: The Lord's eyes see everything; He examines everyone's actions. Nothing gets by His watch over you, and, as long as you seek Him, you will see His face.
There may be times you're tempted to flee your problems or look elsewhere for comfort. But tonight, you can feel His embrace and be filled with His strength as you take refuge in Him. Focusing on God's truth can put your mind at ease and allow your soul to rest peacefully. So as you close your eyes, open your heart to Him and listen for His voice. Put your fears and doubts in His hands and allow His presence to soothe your soul and lead you into His peace. Take comfort in the following verses and claim them as your own.
In the LORD I have taken shelter.
How can you say to me,
"Flee to a mountain like a bird.
For look, the wicked prepare their bows,
they put their arrows on the strings,
to shoot in the darkness at the morally upright.
When the foundations are destroyed,
what can the godly accomplish?"
The LORD is in His holy temple;
the LORD's throne is in heaven.
His eyes watch;
His eyes examine all people.
The LORD approves of the godly,
but He hates the wicked and those who love to do violence...
Certainly the LORD is just;
He rewards godly deeds.
The upright will experience His favor.
PSALM 11:1-5, 7 NET
ADORATION: As you lie still, focus on the truths the psalmist reveals about God and worship Him for who He is. Reflect on His power and righteousness, and be reminded of His love for you.
Imagine a foundation so sturdy that it can never be shaken in a storm, it can never crumble underneath your feet. Know the Lord is your foundation that can never be shaken. Rest in the Lord's mighty hands, and feel His protection surrounding you now, keeping you safe and secure through the night.
CONFESSION: Think of an uncertain time in your life when you tried to solve a problem or work out a struggle on your own instead of asking God for help. Confess when you've felt God wasn't big enough to handle your circumstances. Ask Him to help you now to rely on Him for everything you need.
THANKSGIVING: Praise God for the times He has protected you in your life. Praise God for the times He has provided for you and your friends and family. Thank Him for all the amazing things He is doing in your life right now and give Him all the glory.
SUPPLICATION: Jesus, my Lord, I am afflicted and in need of Your presence and Your help. I claim Your promise to uphold me during times of persecution and hold on to the trust I have in Your power and strength. Guard my heart and remind me of the firm foundation I have in You no matter what I face. I love You and rest in Your arms tonight. Please bless me with the peace that is mine when I surrender my life to You. In Your great name, I pray. Amen.
About this Plan

Sleeplessness is a problem for so many in our world today, but peaceful, deep, and restful sleep is possible. Sleep Psalms: Nightly Moments of Mindfulness and Rest will help readers prepare for this restorative sleep, calming their mind and re-centering them on God. Readers will discover deep peace and be reminded that God is in control. He is working for our good even as we sleep.