

DAY 2 OF 5

Your Burning Bush Moment

I know you’re ready to be unstuck right now, but I need to bring something up. Even though you may feel ready, God may need to begin a process in you. We want Him to wave a magic God-wand over our problems and—poof!—all fixed. However, the whole point of this plan is that getting unstuck isn’t a single step. It’s actually a relationship with God, and the by-product of knowing how to connect with Him will help you get unstuck, again and again.

God wants to set you free of whatever is holding you back. Whatever reasons you have for feeling stuck, He has a plan for your life—one that He longs to reveal to your heart. But He needs you to be ready and willing! If a great rainstorm falls in the desert, the ground cannot absorb those precious drops of water because it’s too dry. They just wash over it and away. God does not want that to happen in your life; He wants to prepare the ground of your heart to receive the seed He’s planting so that your life will yield a great harvest. Are you ready to stop being a product of the world and start being transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)?

What’s stopping you from forward movement? Fear? Incorrect doctrine? Uncertainty? To get unstuck, you will need to let go of the things that are holding you back.

The enemy doesn’t want you free. He has a plan for stealing your future, killing your hope, and destroying your life. But, if you are in Christ, the enemy has no power over you! He has no authority, and he has no right to you! What he can do is lie, and he does it very well. He’ll seek to convince you that you’re no good, that there’s no hope, and that you will always be stuck.

What lie are you believing? What have you believed about yourself, about God, about others that holds you back from experiencing the freedom you hunger for? God is a God of freedom. We see Jesus proclaim this Himself in Luke 4:18.

You don’t have to make yourself into someone who is acceptable; you already are.

God has a history of using those who struggle with insecurity, and Moses may be one of the best examples. After being raised in Pharaoh’s household for forty years, thinking he’d deliver Israel on his own and killing an Egyptian, Moses fled into the wilderness—where he lived for another forty years. By the time God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush, Moses had gone from prince to shepherd. Can you imagine the hit on his self-esteem?

Just like Moses was quick to come up with objections and excuses in Exodus 4:10-12, how often do we make excuses when the Lord calls us to do something out of our comfort zone? The reality is that we have everything we need as soon as the Lord calls us to do it. We have the power we need through Him – just look at Joshua 1:9!

Notice that God met Moses exactly where he was, chasing sheep around in the middle of the wilderness. It took something as dramatic as a burning bush to snap Moses out of his doldrums and show him how God saw him, rather than Moses comparing his current life to that of a prince of Egypt.

We won’t all receive a burning bush. What would you like Him to do in your life?

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About this Plan


This plan by Richard Perinchief will biblically equip you to free yourself from the chains holding you back, so you can fully embrace your divine purpose. What’s holding you back? It’s time to stop living in limitation and get unstuck!
