Daily Prayers for My WifeНамуна

Daily Prayers for My Wife

DAY 20 OF 21


[Jesus] told [the Pharisees], “Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” MATTHEW 12:25 CSB

When countries go to war, it’s normal for people to gather together to build forces to protect their land and their freedom. Unfortunately, when couples are divided in thought and have separate agendas, they too often fight each other rather than join together to fight for the greater cause of their marriage. Unity is vital for the long‑term staying power that’s needed for couples to succeed. But how do you get and maintain unity? It begins by taking our eyes off of ourselves and turning them to what God has to say. It means remembering what has been mutually agreed on and letting that be a starting point for the power of His Word and Spirit. Sometimes it means letting go of what we want for the greater cause of love.

Lord, I understand the importance of having unity in our marriage and in our home. Without it, we can’t withstand the constant forces that try to wedge us apart. Please keep our focus on You and Your Word for our hope, guidance, timing, and wisdom. Put a hedge around us to keep deceit and misconception from coming between us. Make our home a safe place where my wife can voice her concerns about areas where she doesn’t feel unified. Please give us both a determination to take steps toward Your divine will for the way we live. Give her discernment over the things that can cause division or that are already a problem, and help us talk and pray about solutions. Please make us stronger and more joyful in our relationship and in our home. And most of all, bring us closer to You. IN JESUS’ NAME I PRAY. AMEN.


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About this Plan

Daily Prayers for My Wife

Whether you’ve been married for five minutes or fifty years, one of the most loving things you can do to strengthen and protect your marriage is to pray. Your wife needs your prayer support to encourage and empower her to be the woman God created her to be and equip her to take on life's daily challenges. As you pray, you'll be inspired to express your love and care for her in new and meaningful ways.
