Daily Prayers for My WifeНамуна

Daily Prayers for My Wife

DAY 19 OF 21


I will confirm my covenant with you and your descendants after you, from generation to generation. This is the everlasting covenant: I will always be your God and the God of your descendants after you. GENESIS 17:7 NLT

As long as we both shall live . . . .” Could you imagine this part of your wedding vows ending with “for as long as you don’t blow it”? Or how about “to be redetermined every year on our anniversary”? No! That would be like God saying we are forgiven and have eternal life with Him . . . unless we sin again. What would be our incentive to receive Christ as our personal Savior if He put conditions on us from the start? We—the church—are the bride of Christ for as long as we live, which means forever. God’s intent for marriage is to be for a lifetime. We all know that this doesn’t always happen, but it is still the high and holy mark set for which we aim.

Father of the universe, I feel so very blessed to know that Your love is given not only for my lifetime but for generations after I am gone. Knowing this helps me to say with confidence that I will love my wife for as long as we both live. I will always be her husband and the father of our descendants, should we have any, with the steadfast, enduring kind of love that You show me. I’m grateful for the grace we both have because of Your Son’s sacrifice. Help me to carry Your torch of grace into my marriage day by day, year by year. Bless and keep us in Your hands as we have and hold each other in all the seasons of life You have planned for us. IN YOUR GREAT NAME I PRAY. AMEN.


Рӯз 18Рӯз 20

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Daily Prayers for My Wife

Whether you’ve been married for five minutes or fifty years, one of the most loving things you can do to strengthen and protect your marriage is to pray. Your wife needs your prayer support to encourage and empower her to be the woman God created her to be and equip her to take on life's daily challenges. As you pray, you'll be inspired to express your love and care for her in new and meaningful ways.
