Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19Намуна

Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19

DAY 6 OF 7

This Time of Opportunity

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.
Acts 3:19

I mean, really. Who has time these days? As the world grows crazier, haven't our personal lives gone a little crazy too? And all those things that are supposed to make life simpler—do they?

Distractions abound. With each tug on social media, work duties, school assignments, or just the plain old management of relationships in and outside our families, we are pressed for time.

Yet, the refreshment for God's very presence is often one of our lowest priorities. Just sayin'! Then, we wonder why worry, anxiety, or confusion consume us, and our souls are more like sun-scorched deserts instead of effervescent overflowing streams.

Now is the time. Now is the kairos moment that Peter tells us we need that will fulfill Jesus' promise that when we put Him first, everything else will fall into place. In abundance.

Kairos Greek–Meaning: A season, an opportunity, an opportune time, an appointed time, a decisive point in time, a moment of great significance, and when something is ready.

For He says...
Behold, now is the accepted time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2

Yes. Now is the time. The opportune moment to lay every distraction aside, telling guilt to take a hike, and turning to meet with God alone. Just you and Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to effectively help you exchange your thoughts for His thoughts about you, your circumstances, those you love, and the world at large. His refreshing comes as a waterfall into our lives when we do this.

And yes, we may think we don't have time for intimacy with God, but honestly, we shouldn't waste any more time not to.

Let the rivers begin.

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About this Plan

Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19

Who doesn’t want life refreshment? Who doesn’t long to experience continual joy, hope, healing, strength, and purpose? Isn’t this the heart cry of humanity? As we study Acts 3:19, we will not find a formula. Still, Peter provides principles guiding us into the Holy Spirit’s daily refreshing instead of our daily grind, cleansing our thoughts, renewing our steps, and drawing us into the enjoyment and power of our Father’s embrace.
