Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19Намуна

Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19

DAY 5 OF 7

Washed Clean

Let’s read again,

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.
Acts 3:19

You know, it’s hard to catch your breath and be refreshed when you are carrying a load of guilt and shame. Both guilt and shame suffocate our lives and fail to liberate us into God’s fullness.

I should know. Guilt was my middle name for years. And Shame? Well, she was the ruthless taskmaster who pushed me to do more, be more, and try harder. But unfortunately, none of these efforts brought me any closer to Jesus—they only drove me farther away from Him— to eventually feel more guilt and shame.

We learn from our study verse again as Peter gives us another helpful pointer for walking daily in God’s refreshing presence. First, we must know that our sin, stuff, and struggles have been completely forgiven and expunged from our record Col. 2:13-14.

Our opening verse states that our sins have been blotted out. Nevertheless, that sounds tame to me–much like trying to gently remove a stain from a tablecloth by dabbing at it. So, let’s look at the original Greek word:

Exaleipho Greek–Meaning: Wiped out, erased, eradicated, and obliterated.

Instead of our Father viewing our every wrong act, word, deed, thought, or motive that would keep us from an intimate relationship with Him, He now sees His Son’s sacrificial death and resurrection wiping our slates clean. We cannot add to this marvelous and scandalous grace He has extended to us, nor can we subtract from it. This is our one and only basis for right standing with God.

Because Lord Jesus’ shed blood has erased and obliterated our sin, we now have full access to His very presence Heb. 10:19-23. Think about that. So, let’s exchange our thoughts laden with guilt and shame—yes, in repentance—for this overwhelming truth. Then, we can come to Him even when we don’t have our act together. We can approach Him to refresh our souls and restore our broken pieces. We can draw near to Him with full assurance of faith.

For in His presence, we find everything we need: peace, joy, provision, strength, healing, comfort, and freedom, no matter what our current circumstances are. The list of His gifts towards us is limitless because He is limitless.

Ahhhh, refreshment, indeed!

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About this Plan

Times of Refreshing: 7 Days in Acts 3:19

Who doesn’t want life refreshment? Who doesn’t long to experience continual joy, hope, healing, strength, and purpose? Isn’t this the heart cry of humanity? As we study Acts 3:19, we will not find a formula. Still, Peter provides principles guiding us into the Holy Spirit’s daily refreshing instead of our daily grind, cleansing our thoughts, renewing our steps, and drawing us into the enjoyment and power of our Father’s embrace.
