An Angel Encounter!Намуна

An Angel Encounter!

DAY 4 OF 5


Testimony of my Michigan Pastor, Richard Massingill, sharing his near-death experience, as follows:

Due to ‘Covid’ complications, I ended up being intubated and was placed in a medical coma. I am not sure of timelines, but I am sure that what I encountered was very real. Even being comatose, I believe spiritually I was aware of my surroundings. I knew I was on a hospital bed, in a special unit. There was a busyness of medical personnel, wearing what I thought was some sort of sci-fi equipment. I became aware of someone standing at the head of my bed. This person wasn’t dressed like everyone else, and he seemed so huge, (7 to 8 feet tall.) He wasn’t dressed in medical clothing or equipment. He was dressed in a sharp black suit. He looked to me like a president’s bodyguard.

He stood as if at attention and continued to face forward looking straight over my bed.

I was hesitant to say anything to him at first because he looked so focused and intense. I’ll also admit I was somewhat frightened and intimidated. Yet, I had such peace and felt secure during all the commotion and fear that was upon most of those moving around the unit.

In my spirit, I found the courage to speak to him. I cautiously said, “May I ask who you are please?” He broke his concentration and silence. He looked right through my eyes, and it felt as if he spoke directly to my heart and soul and said the following: “Who I am is not important, but what I’m doing is of utmost importance!” With those words, I found instant peace and knew that somehow, he was there to ensure my security and safety. He immediately went back to attention, and never spoke again. Two scriptures came to mind:

“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.” Ps 34:7
“For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve.” Acts 27:23

I praise God for sending His angel to stay at the hand of the ‘last enemy, death.’ I will forever praise Him for His keeping and healing power. I also testify that this heavenly warrior was the first one I noticed when they put me in a coma, and he was the last one I saw before they woke me again.

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About this Plan

An Angel Encounter!

INTRODUCTION: Not everyone believes Angels exist, but I do. I recently had an encounter that I am confident an Angel assisted me to safety! Join me as we learn about these supernatural beings that are larger than life. I do not worship angels; I worship God and know He designed them for a purpose as much as He did you and me!
