An Angel Encounter!Намуна

An Angel Encounter!

DAY 2 OF 5


In the late 70’s a healthy woman from the church I was attending was stricken with flu-like symptoms that progressed rapidly, hospitalizing her. The diagnosis of Gallium Berea Syndrome was given. My friend Mary digressed and was put on life support. She was paralyzed from the neck down and unable to speak.

Her doctor put her into an induced Coma. Weeks turned into months. Doctors gave Mary’s family no hope for survival, and added that should she live she would be in a vegetative state. At one point, doctors told the family they should think about unplugging all the machines.

Mary’s church family and friends supported her and her family in prayer believing for a return in her health, regardless of the odds given against her.

Thankfully the family kept her on life support. One day they discovered movement in her big toe, which would become the way she would communicate, letting nurses or family know if she was too hot, too cold, etc. When asked a question that would involve only a yes or no response, she would wiggle her toe.

After 9 months and lots of therapy, my friend was discharged from the hospital! Slowly she regained her ability to walk with a walker, talk, and even move from one state to her new home in another. She also endured the loss of her husband.

Mary shared with me that she could hear many things being discussed as she lay in a sedated state. She also testified to numerous people, that she saw a white figure as white as snow, in a robe sitting on the side of her hospital bed. She said the being told her she was enclosed in a shell and that nothing could harm her.

Scripture has several accounts of angelic beings, and one is found in today’s scripture!

Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. She saw two white-robed angels, one sitting at the head and the other at the foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. “Dear woman, why are you crying?” the angels asked her. “Because they have taken away my Lord,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” John 10:11-13

Considering that the mother of Jesus was on the earth and Jesus’ tomb was in Jerusalem, these angels was seen by her on earth!! That tells us that angels are among us!!


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About this Plan

An Angel Encounter!

INTRODUCTION: Not everyone believes Angels exist, but I do. I recently had an encounter that I am confident an Angel assisted me to safety! Join me as we learn about these supernatural beings that are larger than life. I do not worship angels; I worship God and know He designed them for a purpose as much as He did you and me!
