To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…Намуна

To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…

DAY 4 OF 7

To be a witness is not a chore; it’s a lifestyle


Read John 4:1-42 and take a moment to answer the following questions:

What is Jesus’ strategy to share the Gospel? What obstacles does He encounter, and how does He get around them?

What does this teach me about my testimony?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you want to be alone, not talk to anyone, and not be disturbed? It’s exactly what happens here: Jesus is tired, He’s hungry, and He has sent His disciples into town to get something to eat. This clearly shows us His desire to be left alone. Suddenly He sees a woman far away coming towards the well to draw water. He could have pretended to be sleeping or ignored her presence, which would have been the culturally accepted thing to do because he wanted to be left alone. At that time, it wasn’t common to see men engaging in conversations with women, and even less so, Jews talking with Samaritans (there was a deep hatred between the two). Yet, Jesus isn’t stopped by these things and engages the woman in a conversation. Testimony is a lifestyle for Him, and nothing will stop Him.

Jesus was on mission for the Father 24 hours a day, and we are to be on mission all the time and in all circumstances in the same way. When Jesus ordered us “to be His witnesses,” He wasn’t simply talking about witnessing, but TO BE witnesses! It is not just about words, but also our attitudes, way of living, and entire lives. It is about living the Gospel by putting on the values of God’s kingdom – these are resumed in Matthew chapters 5 to 7 – in all circumstances of our lives.

Somebody once said, “I don’t hear what you are saying because what you are speaks too strongly.” To be a witness is to realize that speaking about Jesus is one thing but utterly useless if we don’t live it out to the measure of our words. To be a witness of Christ is nothing less than a lifestyle. Francis of Assisi understood it well when he said, “Preach the Gospel all the time, and if necessary, use words.” Too often, we tend to condition evangelism to specific moments, while God has planned our lives to reveal His life. Don’t forget it is the only reason we are not yet in heaven: we are to witness and make disciples. We need to take advantage of it now because we will no longer be able to evangelize in heaven.

It is important to remember that we do not realize how often the world around us is watching. People we know and don’t know are attentive to our lifestyle, our reactions, and our words, and all of these things will impact their lives. This is why we need to be intentional in our way of living so we reveal Jesus all the time and in all circumstances.

Elsewhere, it isn’t us who chooses to whom and when we will witness. Jesus, seeing this woman coming to the well, recognized the meeting the Father planned for Him. In the same way, we are on a mission for His kingdom, our lives belong to Him, and He arranges meetings for us in our lives. Often, those unexpected plans, meetings, or events that can disturb our rhythm are opportunities God puts before us because His ways are not our ways (cf. Isaiah 55:8). Learn to recognize what God is doing and choose to align yourself to His projects rather than fight or become annoyed.

Thus, it is important we start our days by submitting to God and asking Him to organize divine meetings. Let us ask Him to give us the discernment to recognize what He is in the process of doing and to renew within us our passion for the lost each day. God can only use us in the measure of our interior availability. If we leave the house angry, stressed, or annoyed, it is clear we will not be available to witness, and the people we come across will have no desire to open up their hearts to us. While if we are available and joyful, God will be able to open the doors to unexpected meetings where there don’t appear to be any doors. In this attitude of faith, God is going to use us. This preparation is constant. This availability will allow us to make witnessing a lifestyle independent of circumstances. Don’t go further without speaking to God to make yourself available to engage in His will to make disciples.


What I have understood for my personal life:

➤ What I am deciding for my life based on what I have just learned:

➤ What you decide today will determine who and what you will be tomorrow!

Adapted from “un disciple en marche” copyright 2018 by Luc Favre, published by Vie Victorieuse. All rights reserved.

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About this Plan

To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…

Being a witness to Christ is simple and natural because it is the result of our relationship with God. God calls us to make disciples of all nations, and that begins with living as witnesses to His life and love. Through this plan, you will discover simple and practical ways to live a life of testimony.
