To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…Намуна

To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…

DAY 2 OF 7

Witnessing is evangelism. It’s not a choice; it’s an order given to us!

These words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:16 help us understand his motivation. He has explored a large part of the then-known world to spread the Gospel message. The result was planting Churches as the main activity: making disciples who multiply. It is also a challenge for our way of living and what motivates us. Jesus’ mission isn’t addressed only to certain people; it is for all Christ’s disciples. In reality, we cannot consider ourselves a disciple of Christ if we, in turn, are not making disciples ourselves. We cannot love Jesus and follow Him without doing the most important thing He asks us to do, which demonstrates His love for this world.

Making disciples is an order given by Jesus, and we mustn’t obey it because we are forced to - that would be religious. We need to obey it by conviction. This is the fruit of a revelation that the Holy Spirit gives us. If you haven’t yet received it, I encourage you to take the time to reread today’s and yesterday’s passages and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. My prayer is that we would be filled with the same passion Paul had and to say, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”

I have noticed many Christians seek God’s will for their life. They are unsure why they are on Earth and await eternity with impatience. If it is certain that God has unique works prepared in advance for each of us so we carry them out (cf. Ephesians 2:10), it is also certain those works are linked to evangelizing and allowing God’s kingdom to advance. It is useless waiting for big revelations before witnessing to those around us and making disciples of Christ. When we move into action, God can take the dreams and continue to lead. Remember, it is always easier to drive a moving car than a stopped car. So it is the same with our lives.

We need to ask God not to know if we can do it but if we are ready. Even if our calling is more centered on prayer, teaching, or any other topic, we also have to witness and make disciples. In effect, it is the main reason we are on Earth, and it is something we will no longer be able to do in eternity. When we choose to evangelize, we write eternal history by allowing people to be reconciled and have the assurance of living forever with God.

An order isn’t given to be discussed or even negotiated; it is made to be executed. Too often, we tend to live our Christian life according to our principles and desires and not according to Christ’s instructions. Don’t forget that we have been redeemed and no longer belong to ourselves, but we belong to Him (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:23). Not responding to Jesus’ order to make disciples is disobedience, and there is no excuse. He has promised to be with us (cf. Matthew 28:20), and this promise is for our well-being. If you reread this text in Matthew, you will see that it is conditional on our engagement to make disciples. This means when we obey His mission, we have the assurance of His presence and to be successful in seeing people being saved and becoming disciples of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is with us; our responsibility is to witness and let Him do the rest. He is the One who will convince the hearts our those who listen to us. It is a partnership founded on our obedience to His mission and our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Why don’t you take up the habit of discussing with the Holy Spirit every day to ask Him to lead you in your life of witnessing? I can assure you that you will be surprised by the result, not only here but above all, when you arrive in eternity.


What I have understood for my personal life:

➤ What I am deciding for my life based on what I have just learned:

➤ What you decide today will determine who and what you will be tomorrow!

Adapted from “un disciple en marche” copyright 2018 by Luc Favre, published by Vie Victorieuse. All rights reserved.

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About this Plan

To Be a Witness, a Lifestyle…

Being a witness to Christ is simple and natural because it is the result of our relationship with God. God calls us to make disciples of all nations, and that begins with living as witnesses to His life and love. Through this plan, you will discover simple and practical ways to live a life of testimony.
