Treasure Hunt 1Намуна

Treasure Hunt 1

DAY 5 OF 5

Friends Forever (and ever, and ever…)


Have you ever been afraid that there was a monster under your bed, or in your closet, and you were sure that as soon as the lights got turned off it was going to come out? 

Probably everybody has! It makes you wonder where did we get that idea? For that matter, why do we fear stuff, sometimes even goofy stuff?

People fear all kinds of crazy things. We are not talking things like lightening or snakes, or even clowns, but things that aren’t even scary. Did you know there are people who fear vegetables (lachanophobia). There are people who fear buttons (koumpounophobia). People who fear the color purple (porphyrophobia). People who fear clocks (chronomentrophobia). Or what about fear of being watched by a duck (anatidaephobia)?

There is one thing, really important thing, though that we never need to fear. The Bible tells us… 


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 (NIRV)


Reading this passage, what do you think we never need to fear? That’s right—we never have to worry about losing God’s love. He will always be for us! Whoa! This means that your relationship with God can never be broken—by anything! He is our Friend, and our God, forever.

But wait a minute. There IS something bad that can happen. Our relationship can never be broken, but our fellowship can. In other words, if you sin—do something against God— you have a problem. He is still there, but things are messed up. You have a wall between you and God. This wall makes you feel miserable. You can’t talk freely with Him. You feel ashamed. It’s then that you need to make things right again. 

So, what should you do? When you have broken your fellowship with God, you should start by admitting what you did wrong and ask for forgiveness. Like with any friend, when you have done something against them, you need to apologize and ask forgiveness.

So, first you aim to stay far away from sin and close to God. But then, if sin does get in, you want to nail it right away. You want to get right back into close fellowship where God can do wonderful things in your life.


Take a minute now to pray that you will stay close to Him. Then, ask Him to help you avoid sin. Finally, thank Him that He will never leave you and will always love you. You never need fear.

And be sure to sign up for Treasure Hunt Plan Part 2!

BTW, you ROCK!

Dr. Andy

You can do the whole Treasure Hunt Venture study! Get the series at:

You can read the pocket-manga at:

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About this Plan

Treasure Hunt 1

Get ready for awesomeness! The Treasure Hunt series will grab your mind like never before for God’s amazing adventure! Themes of the three plans are; finding faith, finding identity, and finding impact. Based on the global kids/youth discipleship series, Treasure Hunt Venture by Dr. Andy Meeko, an original from NewDayToDay in Tokyo.
