Treasure Hunt 1Намуна

Treasure Hunt 1

DAY 4 OF 5

A Magic Book?


Imagine that there is a powerful book, that can change reality. It has been long forgotten… It’s golden pages lost their shine, and it’s thick engraved cover is hidden under the layer of dust… but it’s there, alive and waiting for someone to discover it… 

Whoever reads this book, can unlock the greatest secrets of the world, and learn the mysteries of the universe… What would you do to get your hands on this book? It might be dangerous to get involved with it… when you open its pages, it might change everything.

But wait, there IS such a book—it can open the door to an unbelievable adventure to whoever has the courage to get it and read it… that book is the Book of books, the one and only, and its name is Book with a capital “B” (Bible means book). 

Why is the Bible unique? Because it is God’s book, and God’s words. Talk about power and wisdom! There is nothing greater than having the very words of God enter your mind and fill your heart!


Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:1-4 (NIRV)


So how important was God’s Word according to Jesus?

Well, look at the story. Jesus has just gone without food for 40 days and nights—He is starving, even on the brink of death for having not eaten—and He compares God’s Word to food—God’s Word is as big a priority as food is to a starving man!

Jesus obviously understands something about the importance of God’s word that we can easily miss.

Do you remember how this world was made? If the universe exploded into existence just by His speaking a word. That is power! God’s Word is more powerful than anything—actually, everything we see and know came out of His Word! Think what might happen if those words entered your mind and life. Wow!


Plan now to spend at least a little time, every day, putting His words into your life. Maybe every morning, before you do anything else, read His Word (maybe start with the book of John?), love it, believe it, and begin to expect great things.

BTW, you ROCK!

Dr. Andy


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About this Plan

Treasure Hunt 1

Get ready for awesomeness! The Treasure Hunt series will grab your mind like never before for God’s amazing adventure! Themes of the three plans are; finding faith, finding identity, and finding impact. Based on the global kids/youth discipleship series, Treasure Hunt Venture by Dr. Andy Meeko, an original from NewDayToDay in Tokyo.
