Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery Намуна

Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery

DAY 5 OF 7


“This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  
Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

Oftentimes we underestimate how paralyzing fear can be. Every time we have the thought of something that we are afraid of, we are opening the door for fear to seep into our lives completely unaware of how much it can affect us. The way to combat fear is with strength and courage and the biblical story of Joshua is a wonderful example for us to follow to receive the kind of strength and courage that can only come from God. 

God had asked Joshua to take over the job originally given to Moses after Moses passed away to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. I can imagine the paralyzing fear that Joshua must have had when God asked him to do this. I am sure every insecurity and doubt he already had raced to the forefront of his mind so much bigger than it was before. Are the people of Israel going to expect me to do the same works as Moses?  How am I supposed to lead an entire nation?  Questions I would not be surprised that crossed Joshua’s mind as he prepared himself to take on the task appointed to him by God. 

However, God stepped in each time any thoughts of fear crept into Joshua’s mind and would remind him to not be afraid but to instead have strength and courage because God would be with him no matter where Joshua went. This story is very relatable to any situation God has asked us to face that we were afraid of. Maybe it is stepping out in faith to do something outside your comfort zone for the first time ever, maybe it is to start healing from a broken relationship or marriage, or maybe it is to face life with all its twists and turns from a place of faith and trust in God. 

Whatever fear God is asking you to face today, just know that God will be with you every step of the way. He will equip you with everything you need to not only face your fears, but to overcome them in such a miraculous way that it will lead to so many incredible new blessings in your life.   

Heart Questions:

How has fear affected your life?

What steps can you take to face your fears with strength and courage?


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About this Plan

Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Lara Hartman’s honest, intimate look at how God lovingly holds our hand through the chaotic trials of rediscovering our faith, rescuing us from the darkest places, and recognizing the beauty in ourselves is an affirming daily reading plan. Sharing her inspiring beauty-from-ashes account gives you hope in God’s never-ending love that heals the broken pieces from a past and rebuilt by faith.
