Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery Намуна

Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery

DAY 2 OF 7


“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!  
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Have you ever experienced an identity crisis where one day you look at yourself in the mirror and have a sobering realization that you do not even recognize the person reflecting back at you?  When life changes, we often will change with it. It could be anything from a broken relationship, a failed job, a health diagnosis, or anything else that sends us into a state of fear and uncertainty. If we allow any kind of negative thoughts and feelings to creep inside our hearts and minds and linger there, it can cause us to do things and act out in ways that are not who we really are. 

The good news is that when we become a believer in Christ, our identity is made new. It is no longer based on what we did or how we used to think, it is instead based on being forgiven, accepted, and redeemed for all our past sins and guilt. We become like Christ when we allow His goodness to fill our hearts, minds, and spirit. Our attitude, thoughts, and actions will begin to change and become more and more like Him every day. Before you know it, you will look back in that same mirror one day and what you will see reflecting back at you this time will not only be someone you recognize but will be someone who radiates love, joy, happiness, peace, and purpose. 

The new you. When you focus on who Christ is, then it will help you to clarify who you really are. I had to learn the hard way about who I really am, but you do not have to take the same road I did to get there. I may have the memories from all my past mistakes and failures, but that is really all they are. Just shadows of memories that graze across my mind from time to time which has helped me over the years to keep the right perspective and focus when life tries to throw me off course. Let the truth of Christ make you a new person today.

Heart Questions:

What sins or past guilt are you still struggling with since being saved?

What steps can you take to turn those struggles over to God in order to experience a real breakthrough?

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About this Plan

Pieces of Me: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Lara Hartman’s honest, intimate look at how God lovingly holds our hand through the chaotic trials of rediscovering our faith, rescuing us from the darkest places, and recognizing the beauty in ourselves is an affirming daily reading plan. Sharing her inspiring beauty-from-ashes account gives you hope in God’s never-ending love that heals the broken pieces from a past and rebuilt by faith.
