Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given UsНамуна

Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given Us

DAY 4 OF 14

Day 4: Ephesians 2:1-9

The opening verses of Ephesians 2 seem so dire at first glance. Not only were we once spiritually dead, but we were also vulnerable to every scheme of the enemy, the world, our brokenness, and selfish desires. Further, we realize that we can still walk the world’s course, even as believers, if we don’t guard our hearts and minds against the adversary’s input. For me, this explains why I struggled in my life for so many years, even as a Christian.

But God (v.4). But God reached down into the muck and mire of our sin. In His beyond-reason love, God isn’t just merciful to us; He is rich in mercy. He doesn’t just extend grace to us; He extends the riches of His grace. It gets even better.

We not only have received salvation, but we are also already seated with Christ in heavenly realms. Our zip code has changed. Although we still live on planet earth, God has transferred us to the Kingdom of the Son of His love (Col. 1:13). This truth may seem incredulous; nevertheless, it is God’s Word. Yet, we often live so far less than all He has given us.

We can see the importance of reading Ephesians and letting it soak into our hearts. We may not yet reside in heaven, but spiritually we already do. Heaven’s authority in Jesus’ name is ours to wield against the enemy’s stratagems and the seductions of this world here and now (Luke 10:17). 

Nevertheless, we can’t attempt to earn or work for this authority. Instead, it becomes ours as we accept that the very righteousness of Christ has been imputed to us and clothes as a breastplate (Rom. 4:11, Eph. 6:14), even when we fall so far short. We cultivate His authority by faith in Christ, receiving these truths from God’s Word, and as we humbly live in His outrageous grace. Then our freedom from the world's and the enemy's grip begins to be realized in our lives.

How do we live in heavenly places now? First, by believing its truth, even if it is baby-step believing. 

Second, by asking our Father for the Holy Spirit to baptize us and overwhelm us with Himself as we surrender everything about ourselves to Him daily (Luke 11:11-13).

Third, by asking for His help in revealing the truth of God’s Word to us and in us. Instead of just reading the Bible, we need Holy Spirit revelation. 

Remember, He wants this for us more than we do!

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About this Plan

Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given Us

Let's take a 14-day look through Ephesians to discover who we really are in Christ and the bounty of all He has given to us. As we take steps toward freedom from guilt and insecurity, we will find grace and power in the Holy Spirit to experience His fullness to walk in our passion and purpose.
