Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given UsНамуна

Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given Us

DAY 7 OF 14

Day 7: Ephesians 2:19-3:8

What titles we have! We are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household—His family.

Whatever we thought our status was, we have risen several notches, to say the least, as we begin to humbly, not arrogantly, recognize who we are in Him.

As members of His family, Jesus is building us together as a holy temple for God to indwell by His Holy Spirit. Peter talks about this as coming to Him as to a living stone (1 Peter 2:4-5). And what is the mortar that binds us all together? The love of Jesus. He is building us upon the cornerstone of Himself alone.

If we are God’s dwelling place, then you need my stone, and I need your stone. Get my drift?

If one brick is out of place or not functioning, the whole house might come tumbling down. Abba-Daddy has chosen us individually for a unique and essential purpose and position in His temple that only we can fill. You and I can’t try to be somebody else; because someone else’s destiny won’t fit us or the temple. We need to discover His will for our lives and fulfill it as we genuinely surrender to Him (Rom. 12:1-2). 

But there’s the rub. Most of us flounder when asked about our call, purpose, or mission. Or, we have an inkling of what God wants to do through our lives; nevertheless, we lack the confidence to pull it off.

Here, we stand upon God’s lavish grace once again. It isn’t up to us to figure out our life’s trajectory or accomplish it in our own strength. It is the effective working (Greek: energeia) of Christ in us. That phrase translated to mean supernatural energy, efficiency, and working of the Holy Spirit.

What are we being energized with? The Holy Spirit’s power (Greek: dynamis) dwelling within us, meaning energy, power, might, great force and ability, and strength.

Did you catch that? No matter if we feel weak, less-than, or insignificant, we have God’s promised Holy Spirit available to us to transform our natural lives into something supernatural and our ordinary into His extraordinary.

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About this Plan

Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Given Us

Let's take a 14-day look through Ephesians to discover who we really are in Christ and the bounty of all He has given to us. As we take steps toward freedom from guilt and insecurity, we will find grace and power in the Holy Spirit to experience His fullness to walk in our passion and purpose.
