8 Days to Rethink Your Thinking (For Wives)Намуна

8 Days to Rethink Your Thinking (For Wives)

DAY 3 OF 8

Are your thoughts about your husband RIGHT?

Do you know that if you choose to think what is right about your husband you act in that way towards him? Joyce Meyer says, “Where the mind goes the man follows.”  

For many of us we believe that we are only thinking in response to what is actually happening. The truth is that you can choose to think anything you want to. You can choose to think that the world is flat. That doesn’t mean it’s true. You can choose to think you are married to the worst man on the planet. That also doesn’t mean it’s true.  

When you choose on purpose as an act of your will to think right thoughts about your husband, you provide a space for God to work in both yourself and him. The best place to begin to help yourself think right thoughts about your husband is thinking what the Bible says about him. The Bible says he is a child of God. The Bible says he is dearly loved by God. The Bible says that God takes personally how we treat his children. (Genesis 12:3) 

The Bible also says, “You shall do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD, that it may be well with you and that you may go in and possess the good land which the LORD swore to give your fathers.”  Deuteronomy 6:18 NASB 

When we think of our husband in the right way and then we treat him in the right way, God’s blessing will show up in our lives.  

Choose today to think about your husband according to what the Word of God says about him.

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About this Plan

8 Days to Rethink Your Thinking (For Wives)

This study based on Philippians 4:8 has been created to help you begin to think about your own thoughts about your husband and to recognize if they are indeed in agreement with the way the Bible tells us to think.
