Receiving Grace and ForgivingНамуна

Receiving Grace and Forgiving

DAY 6 OF 7

Day 6 – Forgiveness frees us


Forgiveness frees us, it can also sometimes produce healing and salvation for the forgiven person.

Read Mark 2:3-12 and John 8:34-36 and take a moment to answer the following questions:

 ➤  What is the consequence of forgiveness of sins in the life of the paralysed man?

 ➤  What can forgiveness produce in your own life? And for the person who you are forgiving?


Sin separates us from God, but it equally keeps us in slavery and guilt, of accusation and destruction, which lead us to death (cf. Romans 6:16). When we enter into a dimension of repentance by turning to God and confessing to Him our sins, choosing to turn away from them, Christ forgives us and sets us free. Guilt and accusation never comes from God, however the latter, by the intermediary of the Holy Spirit, comes and convicts us of sin, justice and judgment (cf. John 16:8). The conviction of sin reveals our miserable state because we have been separated from God. The conviction of justice comes and attests in our heart that the price has been paid through the death and resurrection of Jesus; and the conviction of judgment isn’t just only in regards to ourself, but also against the prince of this world; the devil, who always wants to accuse us to keep us enslaved under his burdens. So, forgiveness frees us from accusation and judgement so that we can live in His freedom.

In John 8:36 Jesus clearly says that He wants to free us and that from that moment, we will be freed in regards to our sin. This doesn’t mean that we will never sin again, but it implies that we have received freedom from it. Jesus talks here about “resting in the house”. Actually, sin makes us leave God’s house. Sin can lead us to do things that seem like we are serving God when in reality, we are actually serving our own desires. But this cannot last. The Prodigal Son returned to his father’s home wishing to become a slave so that he could at least get something to eat. But it was out of the question for the father, who didn’t even allow his son to formulate and ask the question, who welcomed him back as a son, freeing him of the false image he had of God’s love. Jesus frees us as sons and daughters: He alone knows this incomprehensible love of the Father, but the good news is that He can also reveal it to us. The heart of the prodigal son was profoundly transformed when his image of the father was completely shaken up, when his father welcomed him without any conditions.

Another freedom that we acquire through forgiveness, we obtain when we choose to forgive others, because while we don’t like to do it, it unforgiveness links us with the person(s) who offended us. We close ourselves into a prison whereby our thoughts are linked to our emotions. On the other hand, when we choose to forgive, we recover our freedom in the face of these people. We can love them, look them in the eye without any fear or difficulty. To forgive is to live in a relational freedom in regards to everyone. And we have the key to this freedom. What is more, forgiving will also free the person whom we are forgiving, because while we haven’t done that, we keep them within the prison of our unforgiveness. It is amazing to note that often the forgiveness given frees the other person that they in turn are able to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour (if it wasn’t already the case).

Where are you today, do you need to live in the freedom that forgiveness gives? Jesus came for that and He has given you this power to live in His freedom by means of forgiveness. It is not a question of wanting to, but a necessity! So take the time with God and allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you and guide you.


 ➤  What I have understood for my own personal life : 

 ➤  What I am deciding to do in my life based upon what I have just learnt :

 ➤  What you decide to do today will determine who and what you will be tomorrow ! 

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About this Plan

Receiving Grace and Forgiving

Much more than a simple reading plan, this is a real challenge it help you enter into a life as a disciple of Christ. To be disciple is to walk with Jesus, to let Him teach us, to transform us and to learn to do what He does. And it's like Him walking in victory.
