Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive TimeНамуна

Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive Time

DAY 12 OF 14

Day 12: Give what you have (Treasure)

Worthwhile actions always cost something. Sometimes they cost our time, as we previously discussed. Other times, they may have an actual financial cost. Take a moment to think about the story of the Good Samaritan. Not only did the Samaritan sacrifice his time to care for the injured man, he continued to show love and compassion by paying for the man’s room and board. It’s one thing to help an injured man on the side of the road. It’s an entirely different level of love and sacrifice to pay for his housing and medical expenses. 

When love and compassion never require us to open our wallets, we may need to re-evaluate the depth of our love. 

Before we dive deeper into the topic of money, please know that I’m not prescribing a particular way to spend your money. I certainly do not want to bring shame to those who are struggling financially. Time and talent are equally valuable contributions toward kingdom-minded action. Our value and worth are not based on how much money we have, give, or receive. 

However, for those who have access to financial resources, there is an opportunity and responsibility to use them. Just like our other gifts, we must steward our blessings in a way that demonstrates the love and compassion of Jesus. 

Heart follows treasure

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19–21

When I consider where my treasure and heart sit, it sure looks like they are deeply invested in things like: food, Amazon, entertainment, and comfort. I am admittedly generous when it comes to taking care of myself and family. Yet, I often tend to be closed-fisted or indifferent when it comes to sharing my finances with others. 

What we learn through Jesus’ teaching, is that our finances and hearts are interconnected, even inseparable. So when our finances are threatened, so are all of the things in which we’ve invested our heart. In an unstable political season, financial uncertainty often increases, and with it, our anxiety.

If we long to find true peace in this political season, we can take Jesus up on his invitation to lay up our treasure in heaven. When our finances are fully surrendered to building God’s kingdom, rather than our own, we find our hearts can rest securely in the protection and provision of God.

Giving generously

How can we use our financial resources as a part of our kingdom-minded action? Be generous. 

Throughout the previous days, there have been a few opportunities to consider causes and organizations that you align with and are passionate about. Could they benefit from your financial generosity? Could they love and serve more people if you stepped in to support them? If you’re not sure, feel free to ask them! An organization worth financially supporting should have clear plans on how they can increase their kingdom-minded action with your generosity.

Who comes to mind when you think of someone in need? Is there a neighbor who has lost a job? A family you know struggles to buy their groceries? A community that seems to be overlooked and forgotten? As we move into our practice section, spend some time asking God to show you where you can be generous with what he’s given you. 


Storing up treasure in heaven

Again, for clarity, this is not meant to be a prescriptive way to use your finances. But it can hopefully be a starting point for you as you pray and reflect. 

  1. Spend a few moments reflecting on where your treasure and your heart sit.
  2. Surrender your finances to God. Recognize that all of it comes from him and belongs to him. 
  3. Reflect on who might be in need of your generosity. Where can you presently take kingdom-minded action through your finances?

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17


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About this Plan

Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive Time

Amid a polarizing political season, I believe there is a better way. I believe there is a kingdom-way to navigate and thrive in this divisive time in our country. I believe God offers us a path forward, marked by peace, humility, and unity. Let’s seek to live differently than the world around us. Your unshakable example of God’s love will speak louder than you may ever know.
