Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive TimeНамуна

Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive Time

DAY 11 OF 14

Day 11: Give what you have (Talent)

We are all unique

This truth can often create division between people. In reality, it is one of the most incredible gifts we have been granted. God has uniquely equipped each of us with gifts and talents, not only for our individual benefit, but for the benefit of others.

When we discover what God has uniquely gifted us, we are able to engage in kingdom-minded action more effectively. We are able to act in a way that makes a greater difference than when we attempt to do things outside of our gifting. So how has God uniquely wired you? What are your strengths? Is there something that you can do that seems to come more naturally to you than others? 

Our talents and gifts can come in different forms. For some, maybe what comes to mind is a practical skill like construction, managing budgets, teaching, or marketing. For others, their greatest talents might be more relational like: hospitality, leadership, or encouragement. Each strength has its place, each strength is needed. What’s important is to recognize our gifting and discover where we can use it to step into kingdom-minded action. 


Is there an area where you’re uniquely untalented? I don’t mean this disparagingly. Just as each of us has strengths, we have weaknesses as well. We can improve our areas of weakness, but we must also recognize that our peers may excel in the areas we do not. And that’s a gift!

What would happen if we worked together toward accomplishing a common goal? This is the beauty of what the church is called to be. 

“But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:18–20

I’d encourage you to make a note to read through the full chapter of 1 Corinthians 12, which offers powerful insight on God’s desire for unity among the church. For today, let’s remember that God did not call us to transform the world all by ourselves. We are instead created to partner with God and join together as a unified body. When we do, we can be a part of the incredible things God has in store for us.


What are your talents?

  1. Spend a moment identifying your gifts and talents. If you’re having trouble, ask a trusted friend or family member to help you!
  2. Ask God to show you how you can use your gifts and talents to love and serve others in this political season.
  3. Is there someone who is gifted in another area with whom you might collaborate?
  4. Surrender your gifts and talents to God in this moment. Ask him to use them to bring love, joy, and peace to others.
  5. If a specific idea comes to mind, remember to put it on your calendar!
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About this Plan

Peace in Politics: A Guide to Thriving in This Divisive Time

Amid a polarizing political season, I believe there is a better way. I believe there is a kingdom-way to navigate and thrive in this divisive time in our country. I believe God offers us a path forward, marked by peace, humility, and unity. Let’s seek to live differently than the world around us. Your unshakable example of God’s love will speak louder than you may ever know.
