Meet The New YouНамуна

Wonderfully Made
“Ta-da!” she exclaimed, as she jump into the center of the room with the unrestrained exuberance of any four-year-old in a tutu. It was the night of her dance recital, a long-awaited event for a person who can’t really comprehend time. Her joy oozed out of her beaming smile and sparkling eyes, as she daydreamed about the way her still-developing pirouettes might garner the applause of her family. And applause she would get from others at the recital. Who wouldn’t cheer on the delightful effort of a little half-pint learning how to dance?
Oh the preciousness of being a little girl. It’s a sacred time when you experience joy in doing what you love regardless of the outcome. How quickly it fades as maturity sets in. All too soon her dancing for pleasure will be replaced by competing to be the best. No longer will it be enough to “just have fun”; instead she must become number one.
I wonder, is this what happens to us when it comes to seeing how God made us?
Do we start out believing we’re marvelously made by the God of the Universe, without caring about the way His marvelousness plays out in everyone else? I’m sure the psychologists could pinpoint a developmental milestone that causes us to no longer look blindly on God’s design and suddenly find ourselves measuring our Creator’s work in a way that was never intended.
But what if we put an end to the comparison and instead, jumped to the center of the room proclaiming, “Ta-da!” in a grand gesture of pointing God’s fabulous creativity? Oh, maybe that would seem too presumptuous, too immature, too lacking in decorum. Well maybe. But I think that in the same way we look on a four-year-old in a tutu with affection, delighting as we cheer her on in a grand applause, that God looks upon us and would be thrilled if we would finally embrace our “ta-da” in appreciation of His fearfully and wonderfully crafted work.
Trap and Transform
1. Where do you see God’s “fearful and wonderful” imprint on your life?
2. What would it look like to walk in that truth?
3. How can you point out the “fearful and wonderful” imprint on someone else’s life today?
About this Plan

When we look to the Word of God as our baseline for how to live, we’ll discover where our thinking needs to change to conform to God’s best for us. That’s exactly what this 21-day journey is all about.