Meet The New YouНамуна

His Good Purpose
I have this weakness for potted plants. No matter the season, I can’t help but to pick up a few to grace the front stoop or deck area. In the winter months, I’ll breeze through the floral department on the way to the fruits and veggies, and slow down just long enough to grab Gerbera daisy smiling back at me with bright pink petals.
The problem is, however, that as much as I enjoy these plants in all their God-given glory, I seem to forget that in order to keep them alive, I need to care for them on a regular basis. Oh, they don’t ask for much—just a drink here and there. But alas, my neglect leads to their demise and my husband’s exasperation too. Time and time again, he urges me to stick with perennials that we can plant in the ground. At least they have half a chance with some rain.
Unlike my failed attempts with potted plants, the Word of God needs nothing from us to stay alive. It is a living, breathing gift from our Creator God, sustained by His power through the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Each word inscribed, from Genesis through Revelation, is alive and well long after it was first penned. It’s as sharp today as it was last week, last year, and a generation ago. It’s powerful enough to divide the soul and spirit, bone from marrow, and judge the attitude of the heart. It’s not hollow nor empty. It’s not outdated nor irrelevant. The question is whether it is as active in your life as it should be?
Trap and Transform
1. How is the Word alive in your life?
2. In what ways is the Word actively judging the attitude of your heart?
3. What would it take to give God more of your time in the Word each day, so that it can have a bigger impact on your life?
About this Plan

When we look to the Word of God as our baseline for how to live, we’ll discover where our thinking needs to change to conform to God’s best for us. That’s exactly what this 21-day journey is all about.