Godmothers With Lisa BevereНамуна

Godmothers With Lisa Bevere

DAY 3 OF 7

Too Big to Miss

“I’m afraid I will miss God.”

I find this statement to be one of the most common concerns among the most selfless and tender Christians. On the surface, this fear of “missing God” sounds noble, but time has taught me that the enemy pounces on it, then uses it to entrap people. It is his ploy to make everything about our performance rather than our trust in God’s grace. It changes the focus to our ability to follow rather than His ability to lead. 

This makes our Christian walk fear-­driven rather than love- and faith-based. The enemy of our souls knows that every daughter of God wants to please her Father. Satan perverts our godly desire to follow God’s leading by questioning every move we make until confusion traps us in inaction. 

Listen, Jesus is not trying to trick you. He would not tell us to follow if it was impossible. His ways are simple, but they are not easy. The enemy knows that one way to stop the pure-hearted is to freeze them with the fear of making a wrong move. He knows that the immobilized cannot follow. 

Lovely one, answer me this:

Where can you aim and not come in contact with Him?

Where can you reach and not touch something that declares His existence?

Where can you look and not see the fingerprints of His majesty?

Look up and you discover His wonder in the stars.

Look down and see His glory in a flower.

The mountains’ heights remind us that He is our Rock of refuge.

The ocean’s roar declares His undeniable might.

The wind awakens our souls to His unseen presence as it whispers, “There is more.”

We are promised that if we will but seek Him with all our heart, he will be found by us. 

Consider Abraham, Sarah, Moses, King David, King Solomon, Paul, Peter, and Thomas, who all missed God and yet they all were in the plan of God even after messing up. Why would any of us imagine it would be different for us? Don’t imagine, lovely one, that you have messed up the plan of God for your life; you are not that powerful.

I want you to hear me, lovely goddaughter: I actually believe that if your heart is pure, it is impossible to miss God. Why do I think this? He is just too big of a target. 

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About this Plan

Godmothers With Lisa Bevere

There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily—conforming to a pattern of distrust, disengagement, and competition. It’s no wonder that we’ve lost ourselves, and our way. In Godmothers, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere offers a catalytic, transformative vision for women of a different way to live—showing you how to transform what you have into what God wants you to have.
