Freedom From Fear, Part 4Намуна

Congratulations on sticking with your decisions you made on Day 1!
⁞ Remember – the person referenced in this meditation
and referenced scriptures is you.
⁞ This freedom is yours... personally.
⁞ You’re doing the work and winning your battle for your freedom.
⁞ You’re using your WORDS and enforcing your victory.
Meditation... From Psalm 91, Verses 11-13 NKJV

vs 11
For He has entrusted* ME to His ministering spirits*,
to preserve ME in all MY course of life.
God sends angels with special orders to protect ME
wherever I go, defending ME from all harm.
(The Passion Translation)
vs 12
In their hands they take ME up,
in case I strike MY foot against a stone.
If I walk into a trap, they’ll be there for ME
and keep ME from stumbling.
(The Passion Translation)
vs 13
I crush* the lion and the cobra.
The young lion and the serpent, I trample with triumph*.
I even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness...
trampling every one of them beneath MY feet!
(The Passion Translation)
The emboldened words in each scripture are additional interpretations or definitions from Strong’s Concordance.
Those marked with an asterisk* are from Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.
The underlined words, are translated in The Passion Translation
as “the fiercest powers of darkness”.
We would love to hear your victories!
To share your victories and for more life-transforming prayer results, connect with us at
We praise God with you as you use your WORDS and ENFORCE your Victory!
About this Plan

Fear is NOT your friend. Fear invites all types of EVIL into your life. Ask Job (Job 3:25). It’s NOT your Father’s plan for you. Meditating or thinking about truths in God’s plan for you will dislodge and dissolve fear-filled thoughts -replacing them with new thoughts and reality of FREEDOM, SAFETY, and SECURITY. Nope – we’re not making this up. That’s what your Lord Jesus says in John 15:7.