Freedom From Fear, Part 4Намуна

Freedom From Fear, Part 4

DAY 1 OF 5

Congratulations on the Decisions for Your Freedom you’ve made so far!

Meditation...  From Psalm 91, Verses 11-13 NKJV

  • Think IT  >>  Think about this meditation.   
  • Say IT  >>  Say it out loud... loud enough for you to hear yourself.
  • Repeat IT  >>  Repeat your Meditation Process every 2-3 hours.

vs 11  

For He gives His angels charge over ME,
to keep ME in all MY ways.

vs 12  

In their hands they bear ME up,
in case I dash MY foot against a stone.

vs 13  

I tread upon the lion and the cobra.
The young lion and the serpent I trample underfoot.


Рӯз 2

About this Plan

Freedom From Fear, Part 4

Fear is NOT your friend. Fear invites all types of EVIL into your life. Ask Job (Job 3:25). It’s NOT your Father’s plan for you. Meditating or thinking about truths in God’s plan for you will dislodge and dissolve fear-filled thoughts -replacing them with new thoughts and reality of FREEDOM, SAFETY, and SECURITY. Nope – we’re not making this up. That’s what your Lord Jesus says in John 15:7.
