From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your WorkНамуна

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

DAY 4 OF 7

Breakthrough Requires Tough Conversations

God created us for community. We are blessed to have other people with whom we can find solutions in times of crisis. But other people have their own fears, concerns and challenges, some of which are exacerbated in a crisis. How do we deal with their stress when we have enough of our own? How do we work through our differences?

Nehemiah didn’t use his high position as an advantage. He rebuilt alongside the others, never took more than he needed, and lent without charging interest. His focus was on serving. Nehemiah learned that some of the wealthier Jews were charging people interest on their loans and taking their sons and daughters as slaves. They were hindering their own people from the safety the project was supposed to provide. Nehemiah boldly confronted those who were causing problems so that they made their fellow Jews whole and agreed to treat them fairly. 

Open communication is always needed for business to be successful, but it is critical in times of crisis. Sometimes communication will include tough conversations. If approached well, those conversations can be powerful fuel for much-needed positive change.

  • Begin with the end in mind. Start by determining your desired outcome to come up with a healthy approach. Consider how you can leave others feeling heard, known, and valued. 
  • Make it safe for the other person. Fear and insecurity hinder open communication. Create a no-judgment zone so the other person feels comfortable being open and honest with you.
  • Be curious. Ask questions to gain understanding about the other person’s concerns and perspective. You both may have an opportunity to have your eyes opened.
  • Take action. Determine what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and by when. Make sure you have a plan to follow up to ensure positive change. 

Who do you need to have a tough conversation with? Write down your desired outcome and commit to scheduling time with that person.

Mastering the skills to navigate crucial conversations well brings concerns, ideas, and perspectives into the light where positive change can happen. 


Father, forgive me for the times I avoid tough conversations out of fear. Give me wisdom and courage to confront issues while also respecting the person. Help me to see others through Your eyes and support each person’s growth and development so that we become stronger together. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About this Plan

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

We will all face a crisis in our work at some point. Whether it’s economic uncertainty, a pandemic, or overcoming injustice, crisis doesn’t have to have the last word. A crisis can actually be a powerful catalyst for significant breakthroughs when we turn to God. This plan will walk you through six important steps to transform a crisis at work into a breakthrough through your faith.
