From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your WorkНамуна

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

DAY 3 OF 7

Breakthrough Requires We Imagine a New Reality 

Something remarkable happened in Jerusalem when Nehemiah arrived. The Israelites, who had been living in the rubble for over 100 years, were finally motivated by the vision of restoration Nehemiah shared. People of every profession and status worked alongside each other. Goldsmiths worked alongside perfumers and priests, rulers and leaders. Both men and women worked together on the project. Because everyone worked together, they rebuilt the wall in just 52 days—a wall that was 2.5 miles long, averaged 39 feet high and 8 feet thick. That’s a breakthrough!

When a crisis strikes, we have an opportunity—in fact, a responsibility—to re-imagine our work and be faithful stewards with what God has given us. Crisis presents an opportunity to challenge our thinking and align with God’s thinking. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. As we seek God, He can use a crisis to bring us up higher. 

You may see opportunities to:

  • Meet a new need with an innovative product or service.
  • Maximize your team’s talent
  • Help steward the environment better
  • Improve communication
  • Strengthen your team

God created each of us to do good work that He prepared ahead of time for us to do. Times of crisis are no exception and could be the very times when His work shines through us. In some instances, it could provide the very kick in the pants we need to see what God has been calling us to do for some time. 

God spoke to Isaiah and said, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).

What is the new thing God wants you to perceive in your work? What steps can you take to tune into and share that vision? What breakthrough would make a difference in your business right now? 


Lord, help me to catch a vision of the new thing You want to do through this crisis. Help me to hold my ideas loosely so You can show me what You want me to do. Guide me so that I can bring hope to those around me, and together we can find a creative solution with Your leading. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About this Plan

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

We will all face a crisis in our work at some point. Whether it’s economic uncertainty, a pandemic, or overcoming injustice, crisis doesn’t have to have the last word. A crisis can actually be a powerful catalyst for significant breakthroughs when we turn to God. This plan will walk you through six important steps to transform a crisis at work into a breakthrough through your faith.
