Read To Me Daily Semester 4Намуна

Yesterday in 2nd Chronicles, we heard of the preparations for building the temple, and then the dimensions and the beginning of the construction starting in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign.
The first verse in today’s reading in Proverbs is very like the advice of James in the New Testament:
Pro. 27:1 GNT Never boast about tomorrow.
You don't know what will happen between now and then.
In our reading in Matthew’s Gospel yesterday we heard of several powerful healings and the miracle of calming the storm. One of the one-becomes-two instances in this gospel is found in the story of the Gadarene demon possessed man, called Legion in the other Gospels. If Matthew was an eye witness, as I posited before, it would be before the story of his joining the disciples in this chapter.
Let’s pray.
Our dear Lord Jesus, help us to daily walk with You like one of your disciples. You are the Son of God, and the prophesied Son of Man, the King of all kings. May we prefer You over any herd of pigs! By your overwhelming power, defeat demons and any demonic activity among the circle of people we care about. And for us personally, drive away any evil spirits harassing us. Increase our full belief and trust in You. Like that Roman military officer, may we have complete faith in your authority. You have the power to calm every storm in our lives. We trust You in the storm, Lord. Be our teacher today! We reach out to You. Touch our hand and heal us. In particular today, we pray for healing for ourselves and for those we love.
About this Plan

This plan covers the fourth and final semester (116 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.