Read To Me Daily Semester 4Намуна

Yesterday we returned to following Israel’s history, with reading chapter 1 of 2nd Chronicles. We picked up the story following King David, with the beginning of Solomon’s reign. Solomon gave 1,000 burnt offerings to the Lord, then the Lord appeared to him. Solomon asked for wisdom to rule Israel, and the Lord was pleased with his request.
Here is today’s highlighted verse from Proverbs:
Pro. 26:23 GNT Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot.
We completed reading the Sermon on the Mount yesterday with the parable of building a house on sand or on a rock. Building a house on sand is easier. But let’s be those who persevere and lay a good foundation.
Let’s pray.
Dear Lord Jesus, give us wisdom! And please give us the real kind, not any counterfeit product! May we be wise enough to recognize the difference between the narrow gate leading to life and the wide road leading to destruction. And may we be those who build our spiritual house on rock, not sand. The Rock is YOU, Lord Jesus. May You be the cornerstone of our lives. Give us wisdom to recognize false prophets. May we be those who call You Lord from our hearts, and not just with our lips. Let us not be led astray by false prophets who work miracles by some power other than yours. Give us discernment by the Holy Spirit to tell the difference between miracles that just glorify the miracle worker, and those that truly glorify You. Dear Lord Jesus, calling You Lord also means that we surrender to You to do your will. We don’t tell YOU No. We don’t talk back to you. Help us to spend our time today in a way that pleases You, doing for others as we would have them do for us.
About this Plan

This plan covers the fourth and final semester (116 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.