Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional Намуна

Remember the Mustard Seed
If the disciples were here today, they would be amazed at the expansion of the kingdom of God thus far. They were witnesses to these words spoken by Jesus in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. They would remember at that point, gospel expansion resided largely in Jerusalem, but it’s impact would begin to spread like a contagious (welcomed) virus. Perhaps they would look out at the tribes, tongues and nations who are following Jesus today, and they would whisper to themselves in remembrance, “the mustard seed!” Their labor has been carried on for centuries after their deaths, and the fruit of their work has lived on. The kingdom started small, but it has grown to epic proportions, and it continues to grow. What a privilege that we play a small role in the kingdom’s expansion. As you see men and women, including your one, come to faith in Jesus, remember the mustard seed.
Pray your one would be added to the kingdom of God and would join the rich heritage of gospel-proclaiming believers who have come before them, including yourself!
About this Plan

Every great evangelistic movement is made up of prayerful people. Who's Your One? is an initiative purposed to encourage everyday people to intentionally share Jesus with at least one person this year. The Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional, presented by the North American Mission Board, will walk you through 40 days of intentional prayer to provide encouragement for someone who needs the hope of the gospel.