Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional Намуна

The Holy Spirit's Guidance
What a joy to have inquiring hearts initiate to us in search of truth! We often intentionally seek out others to share the gospel with, but sometimes God has been preparing a person’s hearts to receive the good news, and all that’s left is a divine encounter with a faithful Christian who is willing to share the best news we’ve ever heard. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as He prompts you to share with others, especially your one.
Pray that in every situation, the Holy Spirit would give us discernment to answer questions accurately and the wisdom to always be prepared to share the good news.
About this Plan

Every great evangelistic movement is made up of prayerful people. Who's Your One? is an initiative purposed to encourage everyday people to intentionally share Jesus with at least one person this year. The Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional, presented by the North American Mission Board, will walk you through 40 days of intentional prayer to provide encouragement for someone who needs the hope of the gospel.