Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 DaysНамуна

[Scheduled Reading: Exodus 8-15]
Remember the “almost sacrifice” of Isaac – when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son?
It was an incredible foreshadowing of a future event – when God would sacrifice His own son Jesus (The Seed) on a cross.
Today we encounter another of scriptures key foreshadowing events. It’s the final of the ten plagues – the Passover sacrifice.
God delivers nine plagues, or attacks, on Pharaoh and the Egyptians. God has full control over Pharaoh’s psyche and gets inside the man’s head…and hardens his heart.
Finally, on “Passover night” the death angel passes through town to make a blood inspection at the entrance of all the homes. The sign of blood on the door was the signal that a male lamb had been sacrificed to the Lord for that household.
Later during the night the Egyptians awake to discover the death of the firstborn male in each household – because they had not known of the Passover instructions. (The Passover event was a special custom for just the Israelites.)
This was the final straw. Pharaoh had had enough with the Israelites and tells Moses to leave.
To encourage their departure, the Egyptians flood the Israelites with possessions on their way out of the country.
Then Pharaoh, God’s string-puppet, changes his mind and chases the Israelites across the Red Sea pathway.
Then God closes the waters and drowns out the Egyptians.
The story is dramatic and we enjoy teaching the history to our children.
But beneath the story is another stunning foreshadowing moment.
One day in the future, on the fourteenth day of the first month of the year (the Passover holiday) – a special lamb would be sacrificed.
Sure enough, roughly 1,500 years later – Jesus (The SEED) offered himself up as the Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God, for the sins of the world.
For Bible readers, the crucifixion event does not appear until the New Testament. But Old Testament readers get some sneak peak moments along the way.
The tenth plague (the killing of the firstborns on the first Passover) is one of those look-ahead moments.
Family Talk
Discuss how the Escape from Egypt served as a key “reset”
for The Seed.
About this Plan

Grasp the overall Bible story in 60 days! This reading challenge takes you from Genesis to Revelation with four important features: (1) focus on the Seed - the ancestry from Adam to Jesus, (2) a daily Bible reading plan yielding about 33% of the Bible, (3) daily guidance and insights, (4) discussion points for you and your family. (Approximately 20-25 minutes reading/listening per day.)
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