Appointed To Bear Fruit: A 90 Day JourneyНамуна

Appointed To Bear Fruit: A 90 Day Journey

DAY 10 OF 90

Seeking the Approval Of God

Being received is the opposite of being rejected. Followers of Jesus can expect one of these two reactions from the world. Jesus knew firsthand about rejection. He came to the Jews to offer them eternal life, but the religious leaders rejected Him. Jesus was even rejected by one of His closest companions, Judas. Because of this reality, Jesus prepares His disciples to face rejection from the world. In the same way that Jesus was rejected, so too will His disciples be rejected because “a disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master” (Matt. 10:24). Being humble and denying ourselves means being willing to be rejected. Humanly speaking nobody wants to be rejected. We want to be liked by others. And as long as we go with the flow of this world, we will be embraced by it. But if we follow Christ, the world will reject us. Jesus is the dividing line. No one can stay neutral when confronted by the reality that they are sinners. You either accept the message of salvation brought by Christ or you reject it and continue in your sin.

We are sent into this world, however, not to adapt to the ways of this world but to live for God and testify about Christ. Our commission is not from an organization or other people. We are sent by Christ Himself. That is why we must obey Christ’s command to proclaim the gospel. There is no other gospel that we can offer the world other than “Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:11) who “gave himself as a ransom for all” (I Tim. 2:6). The world can reject the Good News, but there is no other news to share with them. Christ has tasked us with spreading this message everywhere that He sends us to.

When we are rejected we must remember that it is not us that people are rejecting, but Him who sent us. They reject us in the name of Christ, but in reality, it is Christ that they are rejecting. Our goal is not to be popular with many followers. Christ did not send us to gather a large group. Our job is simply to go to those who have been prepared by God to hear and respond to His gospel. Those who receive this gospel are not only receiving us, but are receiving the Lord who sent us. As a result, eternal life is given and they are now in Christ. Because of the gospel which has saved them, they no longer have to work futilely to pay their debt of sin. It is Christ who has redeemed them. 

There is no ministry more glorious than to be sent by Jesus to take the gospel to others. Our enthusiasm for this task should never wane no matter what cost must be paid. Jesus paid the greatest price to fulfill the Father’s plan of salvation. He denied Himself and died on the cross. We must do the same by serving with humility and, through self-denial, bearing the same scorn and rejection because of our proclamation of the Good News. Fortunately, we know that not everyone will reject us. Some will receive us, meaning they will receive Jesus, and receiving Jesus means receiving the Father and His plan of salvation. Our witness is powerful. It is not because of who we are, but because we bring Christ. The gospel is the power to save regardless of who proclaims it. So we model our witness on the work of Christ. We give ourselves through self-sacrifice so that others will hear the gospel. Certainly, we will experience periods of difficulty, but the Lord will be with us. God will lead us to those whom He has prepared to receive Christ. 

Application:  Are you seeking the approval of others or of God?

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About this Plan

Appointed To Bear Fruit: A 90 Day Journey

Understanding and meditating on Jesus' teaching and prayers in the Upper Room (John 13-17) the night before he was crucified will reveal God's purpose for your life and inspire you to take part in the most exciting movement on earth. Come and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to a missional life with Jesus that will release unspeakable joy.
