DAY 6 OF 14

Taking a Stand

It’s not easy when someone tells us that they don’t like something about us. Or they don’t like something we are doing. When we give our lives fully to God, and walk in what He has for us, it rocks the boat of normalcy. Our decisions are based on what God would want. Our choices will mirror the heart of God. Those decisions and choices could make those around us uncomfortable. Sometimes, that means that they may start criticizing us for being different. How we face those criticisms, how we react, will speak loudly to those that criticize us.

I love how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego reacted when they came under criticism. The king was irate, threatening to kill them, and they replied to him, “we do not need to defend ourselves before you.” When others get mean, when they attack us for our Christian beliefs, our first reaction may be to fight back, or attack back with words. But we need to remember the words of these three men. When facing a fiery furnace and an irate king, they knew that they didn’t need to defend themselves. The earthly king’s opinion did not matter. What mattered was the opinion of their Heavenly King. That’s whose opinion should matter to us! Not the opinions or criticisms of those around us, but the opinion of our Heavenly King. When others criticize your choices, decisions, or beliefs, remember you are not living for them. You are living your life for God.


  1. THINK ABOUT IT! Have you ever been criticized for your beliefs as a Christian? How did you respond?
  2. REFLECT! Are you more concerned with the opinions of the people around you, or with pleasing God?
  3. PRAY! Holy Spirit, would you help me to remember that Yours is the most important opinion in my life? Give me boldness to live for You today!
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About this Plan


What's your story? You have been called and given a purpose to live your life as a life of influence! Over the next 14 days we will read from God's Word about this call and gain insight into the amazing insight He has purposed us with.
