DAY 14 OF 14


When I was in Junior High I went on a camping trip. There were a bunch of us on the trip, it was part of this club I was in, and there were probably about 200 of us there.

We went up to the mountains, slept in tents, and went on hikes. It was great, during the daytime, but as soon as the sun went down, it was so cold!

There was a huge bonfire pit, and the leaders of the camp brought a ton of wood, and made these huge fires each night, and each morning. We would all huddle around the fire, it was great. Not only did it warm us up, but it brought us together.

The glow of those campfires got us through the darkness.

When Jesus called us to be the light of the world, I think He was talking about being like a campfire. He wants you to glow, to bring warmth and light to people that are out in the cold.

Sometimes, we think that shining means being like a flashlight pointed straight in someone’s face. No one likes that. But everyone appreciates the glow of a fire.

Will there be times for you to shine like a flashlight? Yes, but you have to use that light the right way. When it comes to influencing the people around you, they are way more likely to come to someone that glows with the love and grace of Jesus.

Shine in the darkness, speak the truth, and glow with love.


  1. THINK ABOUT IT! What’s the difference between glowing like an inviting campfire and shining in someone’s face like a flashlight?
  2. REFLECT! How can you be more inviting to people today?
  3. PRAY! Jesus, let Your love shine through my life. Help me to glow and bring warmth to people in the cold.
Рӯз 13

About this Plan


What's your story? You have been called and given a purpose to live your life as a life of influence! Over the next 14 days we will read from God's Word about this call and gain insight into the amazing insight He has purposed us with.
