How To Start Thriving As A Christian ArtistНамуна

How To Start Thriving As A Christian Artist

DAY 7 OF 7

For Such a Time As This

As an artist in God’s Kingdom, you display His Glory simply by answering His call to co-create with Him in your unique artistic expression.  God cares more that you create with Him than what you create for Him. It’s about aligning with your unique design and learning to flow with that design as a conduit for releasing the power of His Kingdom! It’s about connecting with something that’s so much bigger than yourself, your desires, and your art. It’s about stepping into His eternal story because that’s the place where you’ll both experience abundant life and be used by Him to offer that same abundant life to others. It’s about embracing your unique design for such a time as this!

I love the story of Esther, especially verse 4:14, where it says, “For if you remain silent in this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have been come to your royal position for such a time as this.” (NIV)

God is always strategically positioning sons and daughters into places of influence within our culture—almost like chess pieces. He does this not only for His Glory and for His purposes but also that you would be refined and live the abundant life He designed for you. How beautiful that God would use us to restore and establish His Kingdom in the earth by being fruitful, multiplying, and subduing the earth. This is what restoration of the Kingdom looks like. We are changed to be agents of change, restored to be agents of restoration, reconciled to be ministers of reconciliation, filled with His life life to be conduits of the same.

In John 1:1, the Bible says: “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.” (NIV) Verse 4 goes on to say, “ In Him was life and the life was the light of men.” (ESV) Did you catch that? In God, there is both the life and light—His nature is both life and light. What if when God said, “Let there be light” He was also saying, “Let there be a release of my nature", or, “Let the light of my nature invade this environment that is dark, chaotic, and void?” When God declared the light of His very nature to be released, all of a sudden everything was transformed! My friend, when God shows up, life as we know it is transformed.

So, what does this have to do with you? Everything! As His sons and daughters who have been brought back into relationship with Him through Jesus we are image bearers—light bearers. By the authority that has been given to us through Jesus, we have the opportunity to release His light and life through our life, and yes, even through our creative expression! When the Holy Spirit moves through us—through our lives, and through our art—we can expect that transformation will follow, because when the nature of God shows up on the scene, things change! 

As you meditate on these scriptures today, ask the Father to show you how He’s uniquely placed you for such a time as this to release His nature through your creative expression. It’s time!

To continue your journey to thriving as an Artist, consider my Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program . Click the link to find out details and see testimonials from artists like you who've gone from struggling to really thriving in their divine design!

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About this Plan

How To Start Thriving As A Christian Artist

Imagine for a moment feeling connected to God and hearing His voice, creating with the Holy Spirit, following His lead as you share your art, and seeing it transform people’s lives. This seven-day plan by Matt Tommey will help you start living life from a new blueprint based on God’s Word and His divine design for your life as an artist in His Kingdom. Get ready to start thriving! 
