Just Jesus: Answers For LifeНамуна

Just Jesus: Answers For Life

DAY 27 OF 31


Discernment is the ability to distinguish God’s voice from other voices. Just because something is good doesn’t mean it’s God’s will for your life. Learn to listen to God’s voice to discern, pressing in until you have peace in your heart. The word, “discern” and its derivatives are translations of the Greek word, “anakrino” in the New Testament. It means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.” It literally means completing a process which intensifies –ana – to select by separating/judging –krino – properly, to distinguish by vigorously detecting “down to up” as in closely examining, investigating or questioning through the process of careful study and evaluation. Fear judges but love discerns. People hear what they want. What do you want?  Are you willing to hear and see what God gives you? Is it good or is it God?

Memory Verse

"By their fruit you will know them...." Matthew 7:16a.

Declaration Prayer

Dear Lord, let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good. I use Your mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. By Your power I demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of You, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. By Your divine power, thank You for giving me everything I need for living a godly life. I have received all of this by coming to know You, the One Who called me to Yourself by means of Your marvelous glory and excellence. I will discern and understand what really matters, so I may live pure and blameless until the day Jesus returns.  

Inspired By:  Job 34:4; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; 2 Peter 1:3; Philippians 1:10.

Today's verses: Matthew 7:15-23; 13:14-15; 24:23-24, 25-26; Luke 5:27; 21:8-9; Revelation 16:15.

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About this Plan

Just Jesus: Answers For Life

There’s one Person you can count on in life.  Jesus is there for you in everything.  We want to belong, be loved and know we’re not alone in what we face.  The worst part of life isn’t having problems – it’s being alone in the problem.  You’re never alone.  Jesus is with you always.
