A Moment With GodНамуна

A Moment With God

DAY 55 OF 61


Moses said to the people, “Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the Lord brought you out of it with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast.

Commemorate this day. The people of Israel were delivered from the bondage of slavery by the Lord's mighty hand. They were commanded to set apart that day as a day of remembrance each year. There was a significance on that day because they were free. It is important for all of us to set apart one day as a day of significance.

What is the significance of this Day?

v3 - When we set apart a day like that, we remember His deliverance. They could get busy with life and forget their history of deliverance. Remembering that day will keep us humble and grateful to God. We have been delivered from darkness into light. We can remember that day when we made a commitment to the Lord. When we got involved with the things of the world, we forgot the way God delivered us. There is nothing that reminds us of that day. God wanted the people of Israel to mark that day on the calendar that every year they will set apart that day so that they would be grateful to Him and humble before Him acknowledging His might and power.

v9 - When we set apart a day like that, we are reminded of His decree. They were the given the law to be different amongst the people. This was important so that the culture and faith of people around them would not influence them. They had to have their own identity, their own code of conduct and their own uniqueness. Such a day was a reminder to walk in holiness. It is important for us that we are people of the law and now after Christ's coming into the world, people of grace.

v14 - When we set apart a day like that, we find an opportunity to rehearse to the descendants, the history of deliverance to the children when they ask questions. They were called to pass on the history of deliverance to the generations to follow. If we as parents fail to communicate to our children God's faithfulness, His greatness and His mighty hand in our lives, we will raise a godless generation and we as parents are responsible.

What is God's intention? The only way to raise a godly generation was to communicate to the generations that follow, God's greatness, power and His faithfulness and that we are delivered by His mighty hand.

How important it is to mark a particular day to talk about God's leading. When we remember His deliverance, it will keep us humble. When we are reminded of His decree, it will keep us holy. When we rehearse to the descendants, we will enable them to honour God.

We are called to raise a godly generation. The responsibility is ours.

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A Moment With God

‘A Moment with God’ is a daily devotional available to strengthen, motivate and encourage the reader with treasures from the Word of God. The content has been edited and adapted from the teleconference ministry of ‘A Moment With God’ by FEBA India. We trust this devotional will be a blessing to you. 
