SHE 31 - Woman Of ValourНамуна

SHE 31 - Woman Of Valour

DAY 9 OF 31

Read: Proverbs 31 (yes, the whole thing!)

No one can argue that our Proverbs 31 woman is selfless. There’s no specific verse to study because the whole passage speaks of her selflessness. Take a moment to re-read the passage again. How many examples of selflessness can you find in this chapter?

Consider: Where would you stand on a scale of selflessness?

Selflessness is putting someone else's needs before our own. It’s all about being more concerned with what someone else wants and needs than what our own personal preference would be. Selflessness is about giving without expecting to receive anything in return. 

Selflessness is about thinking about ourselves less (not to be confused with thinking less of ourselves!) and thinking about others more. 

Luckily for us, no one is going to make us stand on a scale which rates us on how selfless we are. But let’s pretend for a moment that we had to. Where would you be? That question challenges me and brings conviction.

Context: Why bother?

Our Proverbs woman consistently puts others first. From getting up early to make breakfast for her household, to working hard to provide for her family and from helping the poor and needy, to being a trustworthy wife, selflessness oozes from her being. Her life is one of sacrifice and service and she is greatly praised for it. 

Paul is a powerful New Testament example of a life lived for others. Paul loved others and served relentlessly. He didn’t look at the impact that hardship would have on him but learned to rejoice even in his suffering. He was a living, breathing example of “loving your neighbor as yourself” as Jesus commanded in Mark 12 v 31. 

Over to you: Ask yourself…..

  • What words come to mind when you hear the word ‘selfless’?
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to prompt you in the areas of your life where you choose selfishness over selflessness
  • Think of the most selfless person you know. What can you learn from them and how can you put this into practice?
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About this Plan

SHE 31 - Woman Of Valour

Whilst the Proverbs 31 woman can so easily be seen as an intimidating list of characteristics we can’t measure up to, we believe that it an inspiration of all that God celebrates in His daughters. A woman not only to be revered but also celebrated and imitated. This plan is the overflow of Freedom Church's women's' ministry SHE. Follow our 'Freedom Church SHE' page on Facebook to see messages from our monthly events.
