Luik 15
1Noo tha tex men an tha wrangdaers gethert roon tae gie hïm thair ear. 2An tha Pharisees an tha maistèrs o tha Laa kep grummlin an the' saed, “Thïs man ïs weel ïn wi wrangdaers an e'en gaes ïn fer a bite tae ait wi thaim.”
Tha parable o tha loast sheep
3Sae Jesus toul thaim thïs parable an he saed, 4“Say a man amang yis haed a hunnèr sheep; ïf he loast yin o thaim, wud he no lea tha ninetie-nine oot on tha muirs, an gang eftèr tha yin that wus loast til he fins ït? 5An whan he haes fun ït, he's gye gled an he pits ït on hïs shoodèr, an he heids awa hame wi ït. 6An whan he gets hame, he caas thegither hïs freens an nighbers an he says tae thaim, ‘Cum on an see. Ir yis no hairt gled wi me A hae fun ma loast sheep?’ 7A tell yis, jist ïn tha same wye, thair wull be mair joy ïn heiven ower yin wrangdaer that repents o hïs wrangdaein, mair ner ower ninetie-nine that thïnks the' dïnnae need tae repent.”
Tha parable o tha loast coin
8“Or agane, ïf a wumman haed ten siller coins an she loast yin o thaim, wud she no tak a bricht licht, redd up tha hoose, an luk ïn iverie neuk an crannie tae she fins ït? 9An whaniver she's fun ït, she caas thegither hir freens an nighbers an she says, ‘Cum on an see. Ir yis no hairt gled wi me A hae fun ma loast coin?’ 10A tell yis, jist ïn tha same wye, thair's joy amang tha angels o God ower yin wrangdaer that turns frae hïs wrangdaein.”
Tha parable o tha loast sinn
11Jesus went on tae say, “Thair wus thïs man wi twa sinns. 12Tha young'r yin saed tae hïs faither, ‘Can A hae noo whut ye wur fer leain me ïn yer wull?’ Sae tha faither divïd whut he haed atween tha twa o thaim. 13A wheen o days latèr, tha young'r yin gethert up aa hïs belangins an he went aff tae a faur-aff kintrie. He spent aa roon hïm ïn wile leevin. 14Aboot tha time hïs money run oot, thair wus a wile baad famine ower tha hale lan, an he wus starvin wi hung'r. 15Sae he hired hissel oot tae a local fairmer that sent hïm oot tae hïs fiels tae feed pïgs. 16Tha young fella wus that hung'rie got, he wus near aitin tha husks he wus feedin tae tha pïgs. An naebodie gien hïm ocht ava. 17Whan he cum tae hïs senses he thocht tae hissel, ‘Ma faither's sarvints bak hame haes eneuch tae ait an tae spare, an here A am, deein wi hung'r! 18A'll git up an A'll gae hame tae ma faither an A'll say: A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel, 19an A'm nae lang'r fït tae be caad yer sinn. Wud ye no tak me on as yin o yer hired hans?’ 20Sae he ris up an he went bak hame tae hïs faither.
But whan he wus yit a lang róads aff, hïs faither saa hïm cumin, an hïs hairt went oot tae hïm, an he run an throwed hïs airms roon hïm an he kïsst hïm. 21Tha sinn saed tae hïm, ‘A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel, an A'm nae mair fït tae be caad yer sinn.’ 22But tha faither saed tae hïs sarvints, ‘Rin, brïng oot tha guid robe an pit ït on hïm, pit a rïng on hïs fïng'r an shune on hïs feet. 23An brïng forrit tha kwye we wur fattenin up, an kïll ït, fer we'r gaun tae hae a bïg pairtie. 24Fer thïs sinn o mine wus deid, an noo he's bak tae life agane; he wus loast, but noo he's fun.’ Sae tha pairtie begun.
25Noo while aa thïs wus gaun on, tha ouler sinn wus oot warkin ïn tha fiels, an whan he cum near tha hoose he heerd aa tha music an dauncin. 26Sae he caad yin o tha sarvints an he axt hïm whut wus gaun on. 27Tha sarvint toul hïm, ‘Yer brither haes cum hame, an yer faither haes kïllt tha wee kwye we wur fattenin, fer he's gled tae hae hïs sinn hame safe an siccar.’ 28Tha ouler brither wus rïppin an he wudnae gae ïntae tha hoose; sae hïs faither cum oot an tried tae taak hïm roon. 29But he saed tae hïs faither, ‘Luk, A hae wrocht haird fer ye aa these yeirs, an no yinst hae A no daen yer bïddin. Aa thïs time ye niver even gien me a wee góat tae hae a swaree wi ma freens! 30Yit whan thïs waster o a sinn o yers cums hame, eftèr skailin yer money aa roon hïm on baad weemen an tha laik, ye gae an kïll tha best kwye aboot tha place fer hïm!’ 31An tha faither saed, ‘Ma sinn, ye ir aye wi me, an aa that A hae ïs yours. 32It's onlie but richt we shud be joyfu an gled, fer thïs brither o yers wus deid, an noo he's bak tae life. He wus loast, but noo he's fun.’ ”
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