Luik 14
Yinst agane Jesus hails on tha Sabbath
1Yin Sabbath day, Jesus went fer a bite tae ait at tha hoose o yin o tha heidyins o tha Pharisees, an the' wur aa keepin thair ee on hïm. 2An fornent hïm wus thïs man wi hïs bodie aa swallt up. 3Sae Jesus axt tha laayers an Pharisees, “Daes tha Laa alloo ye tae hail fowk on tha Sabbath day, or no?” 4The' haed nae answer tae that. Sae he layed hïs han on tha man, an he hailt hïm an sent hïm awa. 5An he turnt tae thaim an saed, “Jist say, yin o yis haed a cuddie#14.5 Or: “sinn” or a coo that faad doon ïntil a wal, wud ye no gae an pu ït oot strecht aff, Sabbath day or no?” 6The' cudnae gie hïm onie answer tae that ava.
Jesus tells fowk tae hummle thairsels
7Whan Jesus saa tha fowk thair aa makkin fer tha best saits ïn tha hoose, he toul thaim thïs parable: 8“Whaniver ye get an ïnvite tae a waddin, dïnnae be settin yersel doon at tha tap table, fer anither bodie mair impoartin ner yersel micht be cumin tae ït. 9Sae then tha yin that axt baith o yis tae tha waddin wud hae tae say tae ye, ‘Wull ye gie thïs man yer sait?’ Ye wudnae know whar tae pit yersel, wud ye? An ye'll hae tae shïft tae tha bak o tha ruim! 10But whan ye get an ïnvite, gang an sït doon at tha bak, an whan tha yin that ïnvitit ye sees ye, he wull say, ‘Freen, whut ir ye daein awa bak thair? Cum on up here tae tha front!’ Then aa tha ither fowk thair wull see that ye ir summodie! 11Whaiver sets hissel up as summodie, tha Loard'll brïng hïm doon. Whaiver taks tha hummle place, wull be gien tha place o honour.”
12Then Jesus turnt tae tha yin that haed gien hïm tha ïnvite an saed, “Whan ye gie a dennèr or a pairtie, dïnnae be caain yer freens, or yer brithers, yer femlie or yer weel-aff nighbers, acause the' wull onlie pye ye bak bi ïnvitin ye ïn return. 13But whan ye gie a bïg swaree, caa aa tha puir, tha lameters, tha halt an tha blin fowk. 14The' cannae pye ye bak, but God wull bliss ye an gie ye yer reward whan he rises tha upricht fowk frae tha deid.”
Tha parable o tha bïg pairtie
15Whan yin o thaim that wus sïttin at table wi Jesus heerd thïs, he saed tae hïm, “Blisst ïs tha yin that wull sït doon tae ait ïn tha Kïngdom o God.” 16Then Jesus saed tae hïm, “Yinst thair wus thïs man giein a bïg pairtie, an he axt a hale lock o fowk tae ït. 17An whan tha time fer tha bïg pairtie cum roon, he sent hïs sarvin man oot wi a message fer tha yins that wus axt: ‘Ye ir tae cum noo, fer iveriethin's readie.’ 18But the' stairtit yin an aa tae mak excuses. Tha furst yin saed, ‘A hae jist bocht a bït o lan, an A hae tae gang an luk at ït. A beg ye tae let me aff.’ 19Anither yin saed, ‘A hae bocht five yauk o kye, an A hae tae gang an try thaim oot. A beg ye tae let me aff.’ 20An anither saed, ‘Luk, A hae jist got merriet! A cannae cum.’ ” 21“Sae,” saed Jesus, “tha sarvin man cum an gien an accoont o ït tae hïs maistèr. Then tha maistèr o tha hoose wus wile ang'rie, an he toul hïs sarvin man, ‘Gang oot quïck ïntae tha raas an tha entries, an brïng ïn tha puir, tha lameters, tha blin an tha halt fowk.’ 22Latèr on, tha sarvin man cum bak an saed, ‘Maistèr, A hae daen as ye bïd me, yit thair's still ruim fer mair.’ 23-24An tha maistèr toul hïs sarvin man, ‘Gang oot ïntae tha róads an loanins; dïnnae tak Na fer an answer, mak thaim cum, fer A want ma hoose fïllt! An A'll tell yis thïs’, qo he, ‘nane o thaim that wur ïnvitit at tha furst wull iver sup wi me!’ ”
Tha coast o bein a follaer o Jesus
25Bïg croods wus follaein Jesus, an he turnt tae thaim an saed, 26“If onie man cums tae me, an pits hïs faither or hïs mither, hïs wife or hïs weans, hïs brithers or sïstèrs, ay, or even hïs ain sel afore me, he cannae be ma follaer. 27Whaiver daesnae tak up hïs ain cross, an cum eftèr me, cannae be a follaer o mine.
28Jist say yin o yis haes a mine tae big a tooer. Wud he no sït doon furst an coont tha coast, tae see ïf he haes eneuch tae feenish ït? 29Eftèr he haes püt ïn tha fïttins, ïf he fins he's no able tae feenish ït - aa tha fowk roon aboot wull mak fun o hïm, wull the' no? 30The' wull say, ‘Thïs man stairtit tae big, an wusnae able tae feenish tha jab!’
31Or agane, ïf a kïng wus gaun tae war wi anither kïng, wud he no sït doon furst an jalouse ïf he wud be able, wi ten thoosan sodgers, tae bate hïm that's cumin agin hïm wi twuntie thoosan? 32If he fins he's no able, then while hïs enemie ïs a lang róad aff, he'll senn a go-between tae hïm, an ax fer terms o peace. 33Jist ïn tha same wye, whaiver o yis wull no gie up aa ye hae, cannae be ma follaer.
Saut wi nae taste
34Saut ïs guid; but ïf ït loasses ïts taste, hoo dae ye mak ït saltie agane? 35It ïs nether fït fer tha lan ner tha midden; fowk jist clod ït oot. Let hïm that haes ears ïn hïs heid tak tent!”
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