Jhone 16

1“A telt ye aa thïs sae that yer faith wull no be shuk. 2The' wull pit ye oot o tha Meetin Hooses; ay, tha day ïs cumin whan oniebodie that kïlls ye wull thïnk the'r daein God's wark. 3An the' wull dae tha laik o thon becas the' hinnae knowed tha Faither ner me. 4A hae telt ye thïs, sae as whaniver tha time cums an the' happen, ye'll mine that A gien ye warnin. A dïdnae tell ye at tha stairt, fer A wus still wi ye.
Tha wark o tha Halie Spïrit
5Noo A'm awa tae hïm that sent me, an yit nane o yis haes axt me, ‘Whar ir ye aff tae?’ 6Na, but becas A hae toul yis these thïngs, yer hairts ïs fu o sorra. 7But tae tell ye tha truith, ït's fer yer ain guid that A'm gaun awa. Fer less A gang awa, tha halie Guide wull no cum til yis; but ïf A gang, A wull senn hïm tae ye. 8Whaniver he cums, he wull show tha warl that ït's ïn tha wrang anent its sïn, anent bein richt, an anent judgemen. 9Anent sïn, becas the' dïnnae believe ïn me; 10anent bein richt, becas A'm gaun tae tha Faither, whar ye'll no see me onie mair; 11an anent judgemen, acause tha prince o thïs warl noo stans condemned bi God.
12A hae a hale lock mair tae tell ye, mair ner yis cud thole jist noo. 13But whaniver tha Spïrit o Truith cums, he wull guide yis ïntae aa tha truith. He'll no spake on hïs ain, he'll tell ye jist whut he hears, an he'll tell ye whut ïs yit tae cum aboot. 14He wull brïng glorie tae me bi takkin frae whut ïs mine an makkin ït knowed til yis. 15Aa that belangs tae tha Faither ïs mine. Noo, thon's tha raison A telt ye tha Spïrit ïs fer takkin frae whut ïs mine an wull mak ït knowed til ye.”
Tha follaers' sorra wull turn ïntae joy
16In a wee while ye'll no see me onie mair, an then eftèr anither wee bït, yis wull see me. 17Some o tha follaers saed tae yin anither, “Whut's he taakin aboot, ‘In a wee while ye'll see me nae mair, an then eftèr anither wee bït, yis wull see me,’ an, ‘Fer A'm awa tae tha Faither’?” 18The kep rhymin, “Whut's he taakin aboot, ‘a wee while’? We dïnnae unnèrstan whut he's on aboot!” 19Jesus saa the' wur lukkin tae ax hïm aboot ït aa, sae he saed tae thaim, “Ir ye speerin yin anither aboot me sayin, ‘In a wee while ye'll see me nae mair, an then eftèr anither wee bït, yis wull see me’? 20Weel here's tha truith o ït, you wull be greetin an murnin whan tha warl ootbye ïs blythesum. You'll be hairt-sair, but yer sorra wull turn ïntae joy. 21A wumman haein a wean ïs wile sair, fer hir time ïs cum; but whaniver hir babbie's boarn, she haes nae mair mine o tha ang'uish acause o hir joy that a wean ïs boarn ïntae tha warl. 22Samewyes wi yous: noo's your time o sorra, but A wull see yis agane an yer hairts wull be sïngin fer joy, an naebodie wull tak yer joy awa frae ye. 23Cum that day an yis'll no ax me ocht onie mair. Here's tha wye o ït strecht: ma Faither wull gie ye oniethin ye ax fer ïn ma name. 24Up tae noo, yis hinnae axt fer ocht ïn ma name. Ax an ye'll hae ït gien, an yer hairts wull be fu o joy.
25Ma wye o yarnin wi ye aboot these thïngs haes bin tae halp ye pictèr ït aa; tha day ïs cumin that A'll no taak ïn pictèrs onie lang'r, but A'll tell ye strecht aboot ma Faither. 26Cum that day, yis'll ax ïn ma name. Noo A'm no sayin A wull then ax tha Faither for ye. 27Na, tha Faither hissel loves ye acause yis hae loved me an hae believed that A cum frae God. 28Ay, A hae cum frae tha Faither ïntae tha warl; noo A'm leain tha warl an gaun bak tae tha Faither.”
29Wi that Jesus's follaers saed, “Noo ye'r taakin plain taak wi'oot yarns an pictèrs! 30Noo we unnèrstan that you ken iveriethin an that ye hae nae need o fowk quïzzin ye. Frae thïs we believe that ye hae cum frae God.” 31“At lang last yis believe!” Jesus answert. 32“But tha day wull cum - an ïn fect ït's here noo - whaniver ye'll be skailt, iverie yin o yis tae yer ain hame. Yis'll lea me aa on ma ain. Yit A'm no ma lane, fer ma Faither ïs wi me. 33A telt ye aa thon sae that ïn me yis can hae peace. In thïs warl ye wull hae nae enn o bother. But dïnnae be doon-hairtit got. Cheer up! A hae tha warl owercum.”

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Jhone 16: USNT

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