Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotionalనమూనా

Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotional

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"I gotta twisted broken story I could tell
Paved the road that leads to hell with stones myself
and I built it all too well"

We all have a twisted broken story we can tell. And the reality is our actions have paved the way, with a stone path that we have built well. The rebellion of the first humans in the Garden of Eden has been passed down through every generation, and we have all done our part in keeping it going.

The weighty part of this is that we will all stand in judgement of what we have done. And the reality is that we are all guilty. And we have no one to blame for this, it is our actions that make us guilty as charged. To make matters worse we have an enemy whose goal is to steal, kill and destroy. His name is Satan, and his name literally means "accuser."

The enemy constantly reminds us of our sin, how we are not worthy to be loved by a Savior, and reminds us of our separation from a Holy God.

Day 1Day 3

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Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotional

Ready for a journey of Hope and Redemption? This 5-day devotional explores how Jesus, our Friend in High Places, steps into our brokenness to bring Healing, Grace, and unshakable Love. Inspired by Zach Williams’ powerful song "Friend in High Places," each day of this devotional unpacks a piece of God’s incredible Love and Mercy—even when we feel like we're at our worst. Start the Plan now to dive deep, reflect on your own story, and experience the transforming Love of a Savior who truly cares.
