Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotionalనమూనా

Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotional

5 యొక్క 1

"I'm a simple man
with dust on these cracked and calloused hands
I ain't rich enough to buy myself a chance
like everybody else"

As I hear Zach sing, I can feel true humility in his voice. Not many of us stand before thousands of people and share the mistakes of our past. Zach literally and figuratively stands as an open book with the stories of his struggles. What about you? Do you find yourself identifying with Zach as he sings?

Do you ever feel like you are not worthy of the Savior's Love? Do you feel like you are nobody special? Not a rich celebrity or famous athlete, just a regular person trying to make ends meet? And why the heck would God care about you? No one else seems to pay much attention to you.

The reality is God is not a respecter of persons or position. He loves you just as you are. You are fully known and fully loved. God knows everything you have ever done, everything you have ever said, even everything you have ever thought. And yet, He still loves you with every fiber of His Divine Being. It is so hard to fully grasp how that can be but that is the Greatness of our God!

Day 2

ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

Friend in High Places: 5-Day Devotional

Ready for a journey of Hope and Redemption? This 5-day devotional explores how Jesus, our Friend in High Places, steps into our brokenness to bring Healing, Grace, and unshakable Love. Inspired by Zach Williams’ powerful song "Friend in High Places," each day of this devotional unpacks a piece of God’s incredible Love and Mercy—even when we feel like we're at our worst. Start the Plan now to dive deep, reflect on your own story, and experience the transforming Love of a Savior who truly cares.
