Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityనమూనా

Week 4: Marriage & Family
Increasing Ministry - Marriage
This week, we are focusing on the importance of marriage and family relationships. Today, we discuss the importance of increasing our ministry through marriage. Throughout the New Testament, we read about a married couple, Aquila and Priscilla. Aquila was a Jew from Pontus, a city near the Black Sea. He was forced to leave Italy when the Roman Emperor Claudius expelled all the Jews around 54 AD. We catch up with Aquila and his wife, Priscilla, in Corinth. Paul sought them out when he visited Corinth because they were tentmakers like him. He was seeking employment while he was there. He not only worked with them, but he also ended up living with them. It is unclear whether they were believers when he met them or if they became believers because of meeting Paul. Either way, they became a power couple in the New Testament church.
Each of the six times they are mentioned in the Bible, they are mentioned together. It appears that they were partners in everything they did. They worked together as tentmakers (Acts 18:3). Together, they hosted a church in their home in both Corinth (1 Corinthians 16:19) and later in Rome (Romans 16:5). Together, they traveled with Paul on a missionary journey, taking the gospel to Syria (Acts 18:18). It is recorded that in Galatia they took Apollos aside to disciple and mentor him (Acts 18:23-28). Together, they encouraged this young man to take the gospel to Achaia, where he boldly refuted the Jews by the Scriptures that proclaimed Jesus. Together, they risked their lives to save Paul’s life (Romans 16:3).
Through all this, we can infer that they studied the Scriptures together, prayed together, served together, comforted and supported each other in times of need, reassured each other when they were afraid, planned and executed ministry together, respected and loved each other, and relied on God for all things--together.
Sometimes, we are just better together. God brought Aquila and Priscilla together for the purpose of ministry. They were a husband and wife willing to put God first in their marriage and yield to God’s purpose and plan. As a result, God increased their influence. We don’t get to hear sermons about this couple very often. There are no letters written to them or from them. They seem to be just a side note in Paul’s ministry. However, Paul leaned into them. God used them to help Paul be successful. Paul’s affection for them is obvious. He calls them fellow workers in Christ Jesus. He expresses his gratitude for them. He sends greetings from them to other believers. He trusted them. He loved them. He even remembered them in his final letter written to Timothy.
I am sure Aquila and Priscilla faced challenges in their marriage. Likely, there were times when they wanted to give up when things got tough. There were probably times when outside forces tested and tried their relationship. Just like today, they would have had to resist temptations that had the potential to divide them. They had to learn to forgive and to be forgiven. They had to practice unconditional love. Despite all these challenges, they guarded their commitment to each other, focused on Jesus, and increased their ministry together through marriage.
Julie Austin
Action Step: Find a place where you and your spouse can serve together at your local church.
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Are you ready to increase the value of your relationships and community? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.