Advice From One Newly Married Wife to Anotherనమూనా

God’s Guiding Your Life and Marriage
Psalm 25:5 reads, “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” In humility and obedience, David asks the Lord to guide his life.
In your newly married world, you may realize life isn’t how you expected it to be. Maybe the rose-colored glasses you could have sworn you never had on are finally getting taken off, and life looks a lot harder, full of decisions needing to be made, and fear of making the wrong one.
Maybe you’ve chosen to move, like us, away from the community you’ve built over the course of your relationship for the sake of being closer to family (or a new job); or, maybe outside pressure to start a family has brought more conflict than connection. Maybe your marriage has seen serious illness, financial burdens, and arguments that feel heavier than you ever imagined.
Life is hard sometimes! We weren’t promised it would be easy in our relationships either.
When I think of Perry being beside me each and every day, going through the hard things of life, giving advice, listening to my emotions, or pointing me to Jesus, it sustains me in the hardships. God heals in the hard moments, God strengthens us in the hard moments, God is at work in the hard moments, and God guides in the hard moments. Even better, He also does that in the beautiful moments!
Asking God daily to “lead me in your truth and teach me,” can be scary sometimes. Not because God is not in control of everything but because it means you aren’t.
The same is true in marriage. Your spouse will never do everything just as you’d like, and neither will you.
Your purpose before you got married might look different today. You may not always like your spouse, but you are called to love them as Christ loves them. As you move toward the Lord, He moves toward you.
Today, pray for God to guide your life and your marriage. Ask Him to remind you that He is going to continue to work in you and your spouse.
At FamilyLife, we want to be a part of your journey, so we’ve gathered some of our best resources on marriage in one place. If you need more help navigating these early years of marriage, please visit our “Newlyweds ” page.
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Navigating life as a newly married wife is a new and beautiful season, but it’s sometimes pretty challenging. You’ve given up your right to make unilateral decisions and all of it can leave you asking the question, “What is my purpose?” In our 5-day devotional plan, you’ll see God is at work in your marriage and everything you’re feeling, it’s normal.