Advice From One Newly Married Wife to Anotherనమూనా

Advice From One Newly Married Wife to Another

5 యొక్క 3

God’s at Work In You and Your Spouse

I’ve caught myself trying to fix or change Perry countless times in our now over two years of marriage. There have been moments when I thought it was my sole responsibility to tell him things he could do better. I’d want him to act a certain way, read my mind all the time, and serve me in all the ways—all while not communicating those desires or hopes clearly.

Maybe it’s just human nature to want others to talk more like us, act more like us, or be more like us. But God did not create my husband to be like me.

God views Perry with delight and joy because He sees His workmanship, the way He uniquely created him on display for others to enjoy and celebrate too. It’s a journey–a lifelong one–to get there.

God is at work in your marriage and has been working, long before you even knew each other. As Philippians 1:6 reads, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

I’ve often failed to see the good work God is doing in Perry, or attempted to “play God” in growing him, but that’s not my purpose as his wife.

I’ve learned in marriage, things are meant to be different. Instead of pointing out the things wrong in your spouse, what if you pointed out the things to celebrate? And the same goes for you. What if you journaled to God the things you love about how He made you and the work He’s doing in you? I think life would be full of a lot more gratitude, love, and joy.

Today, ask God to continue working in your life and your marriage. Ask Him to remind you that He is working in the details of every aspect of your life. Trust that His plans for you are good.

Day 2Day 4

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Advice From One Newly Married Wife to Another

Navigating life as a newly married wife is a new and beautiful season, but it’s sometimes pretty challenging. You’ve given up your right to make unilateral decisions and all of it can leave you asking the question, “What is my purpose?” In our 5-day devotional plan, you’ll see God is at work in your marriage and everything you’re feeling, it’s normal.
