21 Days of Deep Livingనమూనా

21 Days of Deep Living

DAY 9 OF 21

Planted In The Word

The Bible describes the Word of God as many things; Food for our souls, a Lamp for our feet, a Sword to defend against the attacks of the enemy.

No doubt, the inspired Word of God in the form of the Bible is the single most important Tool we have in our Christian Walk of Faith. Even Jesus quoted Scripture to ward off the temptation from Satan (Matthew 4:4). If we do not know the Word of God, we become like starved Christians, walking in the dark and without weapons to resist the enemy. We need God’s Word to grow spiritually.

Christians today are fortunate to have the Bible as a guide. The Word of God feeds our spirit just like physical food feeds our bodies. Consistent study of God’s Word teaches us about God’s Character, His Desire and Will for us and also it corrects us. Just like studying a particular subject in school makes us more learned in that subject, studying the Word of God increases our knowledge and understanding of Him. It also grows our faith. The Bible says in Romans 10:17, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." The more we hear the Word of God and open our hearts to it, the more we grow in faith and character. We must move from "feeding on milk" to stronger Spiritual Truths in order to grow in faith and succeed in our Spiritual Journey.

Meditating on God’s Word is another important practice worth developing. It goes hand in hand with studying the Word. When we hear the word ‘meditation’ some of us think of people humming in a monastery somewhere remote, but meditation is simply focusing our minds on one thing for an extended period of time. Christian meditation is different from New-Age methods of meditation and we must be careful not to open a door to the enemy by confusing the two. Before meditating, pray and ask God to search your heart, and listen for His Voice and Instruction. Next, read and reflect on Scripture; a little bit at a time always helps. Lastly, apply it. For the Word to be truly effective in our lives we must do it.

Psalm 1 calls the man who meditates on Scriptures blessed, like a tree planted by the riverbank that yields fruit in season. A tree planted by the riverbank is watered in all seasons. It is evergreen, always fruitful, and doesn’t lack. Likewise, a Christian who studies and meditates on God’s Word is stable in different seasons; they are not shaken by crises around them and are fruitful always.

Day 8Day 10